Mai Zenin| midnight love

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I know I don't want to
Be the one that you run to

I groaned as I heard someone knocking, almost beating, against my door. I tried to ignore it, placing my pillow over my head as I rolled over, trying to muffle it. I just wanted to sleep. Was that asking too much?

When you got nowhere else to go
When you need some love

"Yuko! Yuko!" I heard Mai's voice as she continued to beat against my door. "Open up!"

I know I'm the last one
You try to call but

I rolled onto my back, staring up at my ceiling. Was it worth it? Was getting up out of my comfy bed worth it? Was Mai Zenin worth it?

I always give in
To give you it all

I sighed as I threw my blanket off of me, the cold air causing goosebumps to race across my legs. I shivered as I got up, shuffling across the cold, wooden floor that creaked underneath my weight.

Oh, oh
I can't be your midnight love

I hesitated opening the door. Just for a second.

Oh, oh, oh
When your silver is my gold

The door let out a squeak as I slowly opened it, revealing Mai just as she was about to beat my door again.

I let out a yawn, "Mai?"

She didn't even let me have a second before she grabbed me, her hands squeezing my hips as she attacked my neck.

She was like this every time something went wrong. Sometimes it was her family, sometimes it was a date gone wrong. I've learned not to ask what was wrong until after she's released her pent up aggressions.

Oh, oh, oh
In this light, I swear I'm blind

She pushed me onto my bed and I was about to complain about the rough manhandling but once I saw her eyes, I shut my mouth.

She looked so beautiful in the moonlight streaming through my window, that I couldn't complain about anything as she slipped her hands underneath my shirt. Her hands were warm against my skin as she felt around my stomach, leading up to my chest.

Oh, oh, oh
In this light, I swear you're mine

As she repeated my name, over and over, like a mantra to dispel a demon, I thought for a moment, just for a moment, things would be different.

Maybe, when morning came, she would stay. And I wouldn't be left wondering if I was good enough.

midnight love by girl in red

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