Sirius Black| Last Resort

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I felt someone tug my ponytail as they walked behind me, "What's going on Prongsette?"

I rolled my eyes, wishing he'd go away. "Stop calling me that Black."

He sat down beside me, a grin on his handsome face, "I will when you stop responding to it."

When I didn't answer he pressed his face against my shoulder, "Whatcha reading?"

I glared at him, "None of your business. Why can't you go bother my brother?"

Sirius sighed, "I would but he's trying to woo Evans. And Moony and Wormtail are busy studying. So all that's left is you."

"Don't you have a girl who you can suck face with?" I muttered.

"Why am I getting the feeling you don't want me around?"

"Well Black, I have to deal with you during holidays and summer, I'd rather not have to during school too."

He nudged me, "You secretly love me."

I scoffed, "In your dreams Black. Now leave before I curse that pretty hair of yours off."

He gasped and clutched his hair, "Sometimes I think you should be a Slytherin instead of a Gryffindor."
"Hi Abby." Lily said as she took a book from the bookshelf.

"Hi Lily. I heard my brother was annoying you again." I stretched as I took a book over Transfiguration down.

I felt Lily shiver beside me. "James can be a bit overbearing at times."

I rolled my eyes, "Him and Sirius both. He insists on calling me Prongsette. It's annoying."

Lily laughed, "At least he's not trying to call you Abby-kins or something. It must be tough being the little sister of James Potter."

"No kidding. James thinks he knows everything just because he's one year ahead of me. Sirius likes teasing me and it's worse now since he's staying with us. Peter just goes along with the other two. Remus is the only who's actually nice to me. He also helps me with work too, something James doesn't even think to do." I clutched all my books to my chest as Lily gave me a small smile.

"That doesn't sound pleasant. Siblings are the worst."

"They really are." I heard familiar voices, all loud and obnoxious, "Speak of the devil, you better get out of here before James sees you."

Lily nodded before grabbing all her stuff, "I'll see you around Abby. And if you ever need anything, you can always come to me." She gave me a smile before leaving, going the opposite direction of the voices of my brother and his friends.

They stopped as James saw me, "I thought I heard the voice of sweet Lily, where is she?"

I shrugged, "Dunno. I think you're just hearing things James."

He shook his head, "No, I think I know when I hear Lily. She was definitely here." He sniffed the air, "I can smell her perfume too."

"What are you, a bloodhound? I thought that was supposed to be Sirius." I grabbed my stuff, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work I need to do."

Sirius held out his arm, keeping me from leaving, "What's the rush Prongsette?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I told you not to call me that annoying nickname. Please let me through Sirius."

"Let her through Padfoot. She obviously doesn't want to be around us." Remus said, pushing Sirius's arm down.

I passed through them, stopping long enough to give Remus a smile, "I wouldn't mind being around you Remus, you're nice compared to these morons."

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