Tamaki Amajiki| Pocky Game

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I laughed as Mirio told another one of his terrible puns. We were all hanging out in Nejire's room, having a movie night. I picked up a box of milk chocolate Pocky, "Anyone want one?"

"S-sure." A soft, low voice spoke up next to me and I turned to see Tamaki looking away as he held out his hand.

I smirked, "Let's play a game Amajiki."


I nodded, "It's more of a challenge then a game. The Pocky Game."

"Pocky G-Game?" Tamaki's face colored, "Isn't that w-where two people e-eat one stick until their lips m-meet?"

I shrugged, "Well it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll end up kissing. It's a test of courage to see who will break first. Of course we don't have to play if you're too chicken hearted." I knew I got Tamaki by using his nickname Nejire gave him. He hates it.

"N-no, I w-want to play."

"Great." I pulled out one of the chocolate covered biscuits and held it up, "Do you have a preference on which side you get?"

He shook his head, his indigo hair getting his eyes.

"Okay. Here goes." I muttered as I placed the chocolate covered end in my mouth. I could feel the chocolate already melting in my mouth and I had to avoid the urge to eat the thing by myself.

I scooted closer to Tamaki, the other end sticking out as he neared it. Whenever he got close enough, his minty breath fanned across my face as he bit his end.

I gave a thumbs up to Nejire and Mirio who then counted us off together.

"Go!" They practically yelled and Tamaki slightly flinched.

I took off small bites, making sure I didn't bite too hard and break the stick in half. Tamaki didn't meet my eyes as he tentatively bit his end, our faces slowly coming together.

Oh god, my heart started to thump faster in my chest as there was about two inches separating our faces and I almost broke the stick in half from sheer panic. I was expecting him to be the one to break it first, not me.

I closed my eyes as I tried to compose myself as I took one more tiny bite. When I opened my eyes again, our noses were almost touching and I almost flinched from his gaze. I slightly tilted my head as I continued to eat, wasn't he going to break it?

I blinked as my lips met something soft and Tamaki's face went red as he closed his eyes. He... didn't break the stick. We were kissing... holy shit he's a good kisser.

I closed my eyes as I slightly moved my lips against his, the taste of chocolate very prominent on his lips.

"Holy shit. They kissed." Mirio sounded incredulous as we broke apart.

"I didn't take you for a good kisser Amajiki. I should've done this earlier." I licked my lips, tasting chocolate. I gave him a wink before grabbing another Pocky stick to eat. He mumbled something before almost face planting into a wall.

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