Bill Weasley| Wedding

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I looked at Hermione as we apparated in front of a tall structure that looked like it defied gravity and physics, "This is the Burrow?"

She nodded, "Yes. Now just remember, everyone's still a little on edge because of what happened when we removed Harry from his horrid aunt and uncle. So if someone points a wand at you, don't get butt hurt." And then she started walking.

"Of course, don't get butt hurt. If they point a wand, don't get scared. It's not like I'm a muggle or anything and can't do something about it." I muttered as I followed my cousin up the dusty road to the physics defying house.

I don't know why I accepted the invitation to this wedding. I've never even met Bill Weasley or Fleur Delacour. Hell the only Weasley I've ever met has been Ron. So imagine my surprise when Hermione opened the door and eight redheads looked at me. I only recognized Ron who gave me a small smile.

A woman, Mrs. Weasley I suppose, got up and bustled towards us, a grin on her face, "You must be Cassandra." She grabbed me and hugged me, "Hermione's told us so much about you." She pulled back, holding me at arms length and examined me with a worried look, "How was the trip? Do you feel ill? I don't know how apparating affects muggles."

"I um, I feel fine Mrs. Weasley...?"

Her smile reappeared, "Great, great. And please call me Molly dear."

I smiled back, "Alright then Molly."

Hermione left my side to go sit with Ron and I saw Harry enter the kitchen. His face lit up when he saw me, "Hello Cassandra."

"Hello Harry. Been awhile since I've saw you."

He chuckled, "Yeah. A bit's happened since I last saw you."

I nodded, "I know. Hermione's told me all about it. And then told me not to be butt hurt if someone pointed a wand at me." I snorted, "Like I could do anything. Us muggles are quite boring."

He just smiled and rolled his eyes. I turned back to the Weasley family who were still staring at me, minus the girl who was around the same age as me and Hermione I suppose. She was staring intently at Harry.

Molly was at my shoulder in an instant and started to introduce me to her kids, starting with the girl, "That's Ginny, our only girl." Ginny broke out of her spell long enough to shoot me a quick smile, "You already know Ron. This is Fred and that's George." She said pointing at a set of twins. One was missing an ear, George.

George sent me a crooked smile, Merlin why can't all boys look like that? "Hello, as you can tell I'm the handsome twin even without an ear."

Fred snorted, "Everyone knows I'm the handsome one."

I just smiled as they argued and Molly pointed to another brother who had faint burns and scars littering his arms, "This is Charlie." He gave me another heart stopping smile. What is in their genetics to make them so good looking?

And then she pointed to the last brother who had a pretty blonde girl sitting next to him who sent him loving gazes every now and then, "And this is my eldest, Bill."

My mouth went into an 'o' as I actually looked at him. He was probably the handsomest of them all with a couple scars running down his cheek, a fang earring dangling from one ear, and long hair tied in the back, "H- hello." I looked at the pretty woman sitting next to him, "A- and you must be Fleur. It's nice to meet you all."

My gaze lingered on Bill who was busy talking to Fleur. I looked over to Mr. Weasley who I didn't get a formal introduction with. I walked up to him, hand extended, "You must be Mr. Weasley. I've heard that you're interested in muggles."

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