Mikey Sano| Twerp

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Sixth Grade (First Year of Middle School)

I frowned as I saw my brother running off. I knew that he had been hanging out with some older boys, trying to make a name for himself. But honestly, all he was was an errand boy. A strong errand boy.

I followed him silently, seeing where he was going in such a hurry. I had never seen him go so fast. He must have been excited.

I peeked around a corner, seeing him stop some kid, asking them something. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the kid waved, "Mikey-kun!"

I frowned as I looked around the corner, some little blond kid turning to look at them. Is this the Mikey that all the gang members in my school was grumbling about? This little fifth grader who looks like he couldn't open a pickle jar?

He definitely didn't look like the Mikey I had imagined from what I heard about him. He looked like a twerp.

"Hey! Ken!" I came out from my hiding place as he started talking to Mikey.

"Eh? O-onee-chan?" My little brother seemed surprised to see me and I laughed as I threw my arm around his shoulders.

"You don't look to happy to see your big sister." I glanced at Mikey, who was staring at us with a sucker in his mouth. "Aw, are you making new friends? That's cute."

I truthfully didn't know if Ken, or Draken as he wanted to be called, was my actual brother. We both had blond hair and I had always been tall for my age but that's where the similarities ended. But we've grown up with each other at the brothel and I thought of him as a brother so that's what we say we are.

"Onee-chan." Ken grumbled and I let go of him. "I'm on important business."

I snorted, "Important business my ass. What do you need with a runt like him for?" I tilted my chin towards the shorter blond boy. He didn't seem to take it to heart so I'm sure he's been called that before.

"They want to see him."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. But I'm coming with you. It's your turn to cook dinner tonight and I'm not letting you get away without doing that."

"Fine." Ken muttered and all three of us started walking, following the same path that me and Ken had just walked, or ran, rather.

We walked in silence until we got back to where the middle schoolers hung out. Honestly, they were idiots but Ken didn't like it when I talked about them.


I watched as Mikey jumped up and down a little bit, movement I've seen a lot of boys do before fighting. Was he going to fight them? This little runt?

"This is Mikey-"

My eyes widened as Mikey took off running, the blond boy crouching before jumping, basically slamming one foot into the leader of the middle schoolers.

"So what do some mama's boys who gotta gang up on others want with me?" Mikey asked as he looked at the rest of the boys with a small smile on his face.

I let out a little laugh. "I like him Ken. Keep him."

After all the boys ran home, screaming and crying, Mikey came up to my brother.

"Why's a badass like you hanging out with those pieces of shit?"

There was a pause before Mikey's smile came back. It was the same smile he had earlier but it was completely different based on the look in his eyes. His eyes were very expressive.

"Let's be friends Ken-chin."

I snorted at Mikey's nickname for my brother and Ken shot me a dirty look. He shot his arm out at me to punch me but I was faster, stopping his arm before putting him in an headlock.

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