Toshinori Yagi "All Might"| Old Man*

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Shi Aizawa: The older sister of Shota Aizawa. She's more hotheaded then her brother but they both share a love of napping and cats. They also share the same Quirk.

Quirk: Erasure

Age: 35

Warning: hints of rape and like, one cuss word
I sighed as I walked into the room where we were able to watch the kids do their entrance exams. I was late but it wasn't likely to matter, my opinion hardly mattered in the matters of UA since I was just a teachers aid, not an actual teacher.

"Nice to see you make it sis." My brother said, not taking his eyes of the screens in front of him.

"Shut it Shota, I had better things to do." I stood next to him with my arms crossed, watching kids use their Quirks to battle against robots.

The multiple TVs made my eyes hurt from their flickering, constantly changing positions. I groaned before rubbing my eyes.

"Here." Shota handed me a little bottle. It was eye drops.

"Thanks Shota." I leaned my head back, dropping a couple drops in each eye, blinking before they were fine again.

"You need to remember how to blink."

"Force of habit." I handed him the eye drops back, silently reminding myself I need to get more. I continued watching, a couple of kids standing out compared to the rest but none that captured my attention. It was time to release the big bots worth 0 points.

My eyes searched over the TV screens before zeroing in on one. Everyone was running away except for a girl who was stuck underneath some debris. I vaguely wondered how she was going to get out. The giant bot was about to step on her and I wondered if we were about to get sued for the death of a kid when a flash of green went by and the bot went down. I vaguely wondered again if we were about to get sued when the kid who punched the bot started to go down.

The girl who was trapped saved him. She can either levitate things or manipulate their gravity. Useful Quirk. She touched him and stopped his fall. Those two will definitely make it into the Hero Course.
I tensed up as I left UA, feeling a presence behind me. We had just got through reviewing the kids scores, seeing which ones would go on to the Hero Course and which ones would be in General Studies.

I felt the person's body heat behind me as they quickly caught up to me and I placed my hand at my thigh where there was a knife hidden underneath my jacket. I quickly unsheathed the knife and whirled around, brandishing it.

All Might backed up, his hands held up in surrender, "Woah there young Aizawa, there's no need to stab me."

I sighed and sheathed the knife back, "Sorry about that All Mi- Toshinori. Did you need something?"

"No, I was just wondering if you needed any company?"

I looked up at the Symbol of Peace suspiciously. "And why would I need that?"

"Ah I... don't know. I suppose I should just go now."

I sighed as I watched All Might's skinny form. He looked sad, not at all like the hero I was used to seeing on TV screens since I can remember. "Wait up Toshinori!"

All Might turned around, his eyes permanently in shadows but you could see how blue they were. "I guess I could use some company, if you're still offering." I glanced up at him to see him smile a little bit. It looked more real then any smile he gave for TV.

We walked along in silence until we almost got to the train station. "I'm sorry... for almost stabbing you back there. If I had known it was you then I wouldn't have reacted like that." I didn't meet All Might's eyes as I apologized since apologizing wasn't something I done often.

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