Erwin Smith| Prove It*

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Warning: mentions and implication of sexual assault.

I leaned against the doorway to the private hospital room we reserve for people of either high rank or criminals who shouldn't be near other patients. Of course it was hard to tell who my newest patient is, since it depends on who you ask. If you ask his subordinates then he's their leader. If you ask the public, a madman who cares nothing for his subordinates lives.

I believe that Erwin Smith is a man who has given up his humanity for the cause of mankind.

"Commander Erwin, not someone I thought I would be seeing as a patient." I looked down at the clipboard, a list of people I needed to look at but I saved Erwin for last.

"Ah, Dr. Dok." He gave me a nod from his hospital bed. "How are you?"

The corner of my mouth quirked up, "No need to be so formal Commander. Olivia would do just fine." I laid my clipboard down. "Mind if I look at your arm, or lack therefore of?"

"Do what you need to." He seemed so serious and I could see why he would be respected by a lot of people. I could also see why my brother despised him sometimes.

I slid his over shirt off his right side, leaving him in just his undershirt. He was very muscular and I felt around the nub of his arm, careful to not irritate and inflame it.

"Are you always so serious?" I glanced at his face, his ice blue eyes already staring at me. They seemed to know so much, know what many people would never dare to dream of. It made me feel uneasy.

"I am not exactly known for a," he thought for a moment, "humorous disposition."

"That's for sure." I muttered. "I'll change your bandages and rub on an ointment that will keep it from getting an infection. I will come once everyday to change your bandages and apply the ointment for a week before you're discharged. I would suggest to continue to apply the ointment after you're discharged, just in case."

I could feel his eyes on me as I unwrapped the bandage that had dried blood on it. "Do you need something Commander?"

"You look familiar. Do I know you?"

I closed my eyes for a second. Of course he wouldn't remember me. "Nile Dok is my brother. We were all in the same Cadet Corps together. I'm surprised you don't remember Commander."

He continued to look at me with those cold, unnerving eyes and I felt like I was taking forever to reapply new bandages. "Curious. I feel like I should remember you."

I shrugged as I finished, fixing his button up shirt back over his undershirt. "Maybe it's for the best Commander. Certainly we're not the same people as we were during training. We've both changed and grown into the people we are today. And we will continue to change after. We must evolve just as the world does."

"Those are some wise words Doctor."

I appraised him before nodding. "If you need anything Commander, just send for me."
"Good evening Commander." I strode into his room, washing my hands before going to check his bandages. I would hate for someone so important to die of an infection given to him by his doctor.

"Doctor." He gave me a nod as I removed his over shirt once again.

"I told you you didn't need to be so formal. You could just call me Olivia." I kept my tongue between my teeth as I checked his bandages, "It seems the bleeding has completely stopped."

"Maybe I wouldn't be so formal if you wasn't."

I glanced at him with an eyebrow quirked. "Touché Commander." I reapplied his bandages after applying the ointment. "So Commander, has it been bothering you any? If it does, you need to tell me."

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