The Marauders| Berti Bott's Every Flavor Beans

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I walked into the Gryffindor common room, expecting it to be empty since everyone was in class but it wasn't. There was two people sitting on the couch, holding something up to their noses.

"Remus? Sirius? What're you doing?"

They both looked up, Remus looking slightly sick and Sirius's nose transformed into the snout of a dog. On the table in front of them was a pile of Berti Bott's Every Flavor Beans with another separate pile.

Remus gave me a small smile, "Nothing Amelia. Just ya know, hanging out."

Sirius made a noise of agreement and I raised my eyebrow, "That doesn't explain why half of Sirius's face is a dog. And why do you have so many beans everywhere?"

I walked up to them, going to pick up the smaller pile but Remus reached over, grabbing my wrist and causing sparks to run up and down my arm, "Don't. Those are the bad ones."

I jerked my arm from his grip, "What do you mean those are the bad ones?"

"Well with Sirius's nose and my unusually good sense of smell, we can smell the bad flavored beans. So we're picking those out, putting them in a separate box and giving them to James while we get the good ones." He picked up a bean and sniffed it before handing it out to me, "This is a good one, it's cherry."

I held it up to my own nose, not smelling anything exactly before shrugging and popping it in my mouth. Remus was right, it is cherry. I sat down beside of him, "I wish I could help but I just mainly want the good ones. Every time I share some with my friends, I always end up getting the bad ones."

Sirius reached over, getting a handful of them before sniffing them and plucking out a few, putting them in the bad pile and handing me the rest.

I smiled, "Thanks Sirius." They were all good.

We spent the rest of the time smelling, eating, and disposing the beans before they were all gone and we had two boxes filled with the bad ones to give to James.

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