Loki| Pull

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I watched from Warsong as Brunnhilde drunkenly tried to take another prisoner. I laughed a little as she stumbled off the walkway and into some trash. This was how it always went whenever she deemed someone worthy enough to capture and send to the Grandmaster as a contender. I've never really supported it but it made good money and that's how we've survived all these years on Sakaar.

I watched without interest as she took out all the Scrappers just for one lousy dude. She always did all the work as I sworn off violence long ago. But she was drunk most of the time so she never cared.

"Hey, Val! Come help me with the prisoner!"

I sighed and got up from my seat to help drag the bloke up the ramp even though she could've easily used her Asgardian strength. I stopped as I looked down at the familiar blonde haired man and then looked at an impatient looking Brunnhilde, "Do you know who you just tased? Brunnie, you just tased Thor, son of Odin."

She looked down at the unconscious man and shrugged, "Serves the old man right after what he did to us."

I rolled my eyes and picked up Thor's other arm, helping drag him into Warsong, "We're going to regret this. I know we are."
I watched as Topaz handed Brunnhilde the money we were due for bringing in Thor. I expect him to start arguing soon. It wouldn't surprise me if he did. I just hoped I wouldn't be around for it.

Before we left I looked around, seeing a dark haired man. He smirked lazily with a drink in his hand. I watched him, wanting to look away but not being able to for some reason.

And that was when Thor saw him too, "Loki?"

The dark haired man's eyes widened as he took in Thor before trying to laugh it off. And that's when it clicked, that was Loki, son of Odin, God of Mischief. And he was with the Grandmaster's elites, being in considerable favor for the Grandmaster.

It seems the princes of Asgard were on two very different paths.

As I followed Brunnhilde out of the Grandmaster's room, I watched Loki out of the corner of my eye, hoping I would not have to face him soon.

But of course, hope does nothing.
"What have you done?"

I followed Brunnhilde as Loki joined us, "I don't answer to you Lorki."

He reached out and grabbed Brunnhilde's wrist stopping her, "It's Loki. And you will answer to the Grandmaster."

My hand went to one of the knives I keep on me, watching the God of Mischief carefully to see what he does.

Their movements were so quick as she blocked his hands and then hit his forehead with a satisfied smirk. He stumbled back and pulled out a knife and pointed it at Brunnie, "Why would you help my brother escape with that green ????"

Brunnhilde had her own knife out and I had one too, "I don't help anyone."

Loki didn't seem to like that answer as he charged her. I watched in mild fascination as they fought. I left my fighting days behind me whenever I left that place where all my comrades fell.

Loki pinned her arm against him, seeing the mark of a Valkyrie on her, "You're a Valkyrie." He said as he disarmed her.

The fight continued until she kicked him against a wall and he had a slight smile as he said his next words, "I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths."

Before I knew it, I beat Brunnhilde to Loki and had my knee pressed against his chest, my knife against his throat. He looked up a me with a smile and I knew he was enjoying this, I could see it in his green eyes. I pressed the knife and my knee harder against him, anger filling me as he talked about my fallen comrades, "You better choose your next words wisely Loki." I said as I scowled at the God of Mischief.

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