Kakashi Hatake| Reminders

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The aroma of today's food was still hanging in the air as I hurried throughout the alleys of the Leaf Village, the darkness providing me cover on my way to the Hokage Building. The streets were deserted, or at least they seemed to be deserted but I knew there was eyes and ears everywhere. Most of them unfriendly.

I halted as I came upon a dark figure. I didn't know whether they were friend or foe.

"Come with me. I'll escort you to the Hokage." I didn't recognize the voice and I was hesitant to trust them. The clouds shifted, moonlight spilling onto the lean figure and I could see one eye ringed with Sharingan. The famous copy ninja, Kakashi Hatake.

"I don't need an escort." I spit out through my mask. My eyes roved over him, taking in his silver spiky hair, the famous Sharingan, and the same tattoo on his left arm that's on mine. It was unusual to see someone from Root without their mask on since they're even more secretive then the Anbu.

"Why don't you just make it easier on the both of us and follow me? If we waste anymore time here then they'll ambush us." His eyes flickered, taking in the unseen figures that my eyes could not see.

"Fine." I gritted my teeth as we took off and I could feel the very, very faint chakra signatures following us. "I don't understand why he doesn't deal with Danzo already? It would make it easier on us."

"He doesn't know. Also lower your voice. They could be listening."

I clenched my jaw, wanting nothing more than to lose the impassive ninja.

We stopped on the roof of the Hokage Building, right outside his room and I let out a bird call, letting him know it's me.

The dim window slid silently up and the Third Hokage stared at us, seemingly older than ever. Kakashi and I entered his room, a dim light casting over the room as I searched for any signs of bugs or other listening devices.

I knelt before the Hokage after the thorough search, "I'm sure the Copy Ninja was on his way to tell you the same thing that I was. It's as we feared, he has sent some of his division to assassinate you."

A deep sigh emanated from the Hokage. "This doesn't surprise me. I will take care of it. Both of you, thank you."

"Of course Lord Hokage."

I paused at the window, glancing behind me at Kakashi, the lamp light glinting off his silver hair as his Sharingan seemed brighter than ever. I despised him and his masked persona.
I knelt at a familiar grave stone, white flowers placed in front of it.

"I don't understand what you saw in him onee-chan. He's so... unyielding... no, that's not the right word." I thought for a moment, "He's like a robot. It's like he doesn't have any emotions... which I guess I can't blame him. He did lose everyone he could've cared about." I sighed before my body tensed, all my muscles tightening as I felt chakra approaching me.

I stood up, turning to face whoever was approaching me. The smell of freshly cut grass was prominent in the village's cemetery as my nose twitched at the sight of Kakashi.

"I can go if you want." His voice was flat as he stopped a little ways in front of me, a flicker of emotion passing in his one uncovered eye. It was the only sign I could get that he was sad over my sister's passing.

"No. Onee-chan was your friend, I can't very well tell you to not visit her." I moved to the side, allowing Kakashi to be in front of Rin's grave.

"I know you know what the village thinks of me. What they call me." Kakashi didn't face me as he spoke. He knelt in front of the stone, paying his respects.

Yes I knew of the nickname "Friend-Killer Kakashi" but I didn't believe it. Onee-chan trusted Kakashi with her life and if anything, she would've rather died at Kakashi's hands then the enemy. If Kakashi was anything like how Onee-chan described then he didn't kill her on purpose.

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