Dabi| Jacket

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I grinned as I snuck throughout the hideout, on my way to Dabi's room he stays in when we are forced to stay at the hideout for long periods of times.

The door was closed and I closed my eyes, focusing on listening to hear if Dabi was in his room but I'm pretty sure I had heard him leave earlier. I heard nothing which only confirmed what I thought I knew.

I hesitantly turned the doorknob, expecting him to lock the door but it was unlocked. His room was spare, a small bed pushed to a corner with navy blue sheets and a small TV pushed to another corner. The closet was bare, a couple shirts and pants and the thing I was looking for, his jacket. He hardly ever leaves the hideout without it but today was one of the rare days he went out during daylight so he tried not to draw attention to himself.

I snatched the jacket off the hanger, the metallic hanger producing a jangling sound as it swung back and forth. I giggled as I clutched it to my chest and hurried out of his borrowed room.

I paused as I shut the door behind me, seeing Toga down the hall leaving Shigaraki's room with something clutched to her chest.

"Is that?" We stopped as we said the same thing before giggling.

We shared another glance, giggled some more before hurrying away to our own rooms.
Toga and I stopped as we approached the barroom of the hideout. We could hear Shigaraki, Dabi, and Kurogiri talking about supposedly important business. Truthfully they were talking about how to beat a level in a video game.

We looked at each other, nodded, and burst into the bar room together.

It was silent as the three men turned to look at us. Dabi's blue eyes slid over Toga before finally resting on me. His eyes darkened slightly, "Is that my jacket?"

I fiddled with the edge of it before spinning around, "Yeah."

Shigaraki frowned, "Toga why do you have my hoodie?"

"Because I felt like it. It smells like death and decay."

Shigaraki sighed before spinning back around to Kurogiri, muttering about how he can't deal with this right now.

"I think you look quite nice Toga." Kurogiri said from behind the counter.

"Thank you! At least someone in the place has taste!" Toga threw her hands up before taking a seat next to Shigaraki.

"And so do you Isabel."

I smiled at Kurogiri before doing a little bow, "Thank you Kurogiri."

Dabi stood up and I looked up at him with a grin as he came closer to me. He stopped before me, his height making him tower over me, "What makes you think you can wear my jacket?"

"Wrong question Dabi. The question is, why am I wearing your jacket?" I laughed a little as confusion passed over his normally stoic features.

"Okay then, why are you wearing my jacket?"

I gave him a sly smile, "That's a secret." I backed up before hurrying to my room, knowing Dabi would not be happy with my answer.

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