Dabi| Hero*

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Ahmya Takeda: Her pro hero name is Black Rain.

Quirk: She can control liquids, no matter if they're in the body or outside.

Age: 22

Warning: drugged, some language
I sighed as I walked into a bar. It was full of people pushing each other to get to the bar, slurring their drink orders as the bartenders tried to cut them off. It was loud, rowdy, and boisterous and so not my type of place to be for a blind date. I would rather be at a small, quiet restaurant.

I glanced around, assessing everyone in my head before I chided myself. No one knows you're a pro hero, they're not going to know you. But I still kept vigilant, you never know what could happen.

I crossed my arms as I walked through the bar, thinking back to what my fellow pro hero told me. Mount Lady told me that her friend would be in a booth with a white rose since those are my favorite.

I saw him, or at least I thought it was who I was looking for. "Are you Fumihiro?"

The man looked up, a smile over his handsome features. "Ahmya?"

I smiled, my body less tense as I slid into the booth across from him. "It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine." He looked nice, a white shirt with black slacks and his black hair slicked back. Sorta like a gangster. "I hope you don't mind but I've already ordered for us. Yu told me what you liked."

I know I should've been nervous at that and I was a little bit but Mount Lady would've never hyped someone up so much just for them to drug me. Never.

"Thank you." I focused on his eyes. People could hardly lie through their eyes but some could. I hoped his hazel green eyes weren't hiding any secrets.

He handed me the white rose, "For you, since white roses are your favorite."

I smiled as I took it, pressing it to my nose. White roses aren't the most fragrant of roses but it's there, you just got to be patient to smell it. "Thank you again."

He just gave me a smile that made me feel a little uneasy as our meals came. I looked around the dim bar as we ate, noticing how everyone seemed so absorbed in what they were doing, not paying anyone the slightest attention. Even the bartenders seemed absorbed in what they were doing, not looking at anyone as they slid drinks around.

"You know there's no need to be so nervous. No one here's going to hurt you." He flashed that smile again that made me feel even more uneasy.

"I'm sorry. It's just, ya know, first date nerves and stuff. I've never really had time to date before so this is new, very new." I tried to give him a smile and took a drink of my water. It had an odd taste to it but I contributed that to it being tap water.

"Ah yes, I'm sorry. I must be acting like a bad date."

"No! No, you're not. I'm just very nervous."

We continued the meal in silence, the noises of the bar filling in our silence.

My vision started blurring in and out of focus as I tried to eat. I lurched, trying to get out of the booth.

"Ahmya?! Are you okay?" I heard it, I heard it laced in his voice. His glee at seeing me like this. He planned this. I felt his arm at my elbow, trying to guide me. "Good thing I rented us a private room." He whispered.

My eyes widened and I knew I had to act quickly before I lost consciousness. I grunted as I pushed him away, running sluggishly through the bar.

I got out the door, the cold air making me shiver in my dress.

"Oh no you don't." I felt his nasty hands around me and I focused, drawing on the fluids running through his body before forcing them away from me. I heard him slam into a building and I started running, knowing I was close to where I thought the League of Villain's hideout was.

My eyesight got worse as everything looked like a blurry mess and I was getting a pounding headache. I felt like throwing up.

My vision cleared up long enough to notice someone, someone who looked familiar. "Dabi!" I croaked out, "Da-bi... Touya..." I collapsed and the last thing I remembered before going unconscious was acidic bile rising up my throat.
I was cold. I didn't know where I was and I was cold. The room was cold, hard concrete with no windows, no natural light. No moisture in the air either. No liquids except what was inside of me. I leaned my head against the wall behind me, there's no use in panicking. As far as I know, my date could've kidnapped me. That was the worst case scenario. A better scenario would be that Dabi found me. But the best case scenario is that I'm in the basement of some nice couple's house.

But I didn't think I was.

"So you're awake." I jumped up, the cold wall scratching my back where my dress left it exposed. It stunk of vomit.

"Touya." I saw the anger flicker across his blue eyes at his old name. "Thank you."

He paused at that. "Thank you?"

"I was... I was drugged, wasn't I? My... date drugged me last night. At least I think I was." My back was still pressed against the wall as I watched the villain.

"Yeah. You was. I found him knocked out against a building down the street. You did a number on him. He had blood coming out of his eyes and mouth. Pissed himself too."

"Still alive?"

"Barely. I left him there for some other Good Samaritan to find. You were covered in puke. I tried to clean you up the best I could."

"Thank you." I looked down at my puke stained dress. "Do you have any clothes I could change into? And a shower perhaps?"

Dabi's eyes roved over me, "Yeah."

I sighed as lukewarm water ran over me. After everything last night, this felt like heaven. Dabi had given me his body wash since he didn't think Toga would take too kindly to letting me borrow hers. Probably for the best, I didn't want a lot of people knowing I was here.

When I got out and dressed I went to find Dabi. It was his clothes I was wearing, I could tell by the burnt smell to them and they were baggy on me. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to get the tangles out before running into Dabi. "Oh sorry Touya."

He hissed, placing a hand over my mouth, "Don't call me that."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh sorry Dabi."

"I would've thought you would be nicer to the person who saved you last night."

"I think I'm nice enough considering I'm keeping this place a secret from my colleagues. I could ruin this place Dabi, ruin it."

"But you won't."

"But I won't. So this is just helping settle things between us."

"Nothing will ever be settled and you know it."

"I do know it." I muttered as I looked down.

There was silence before Dabi punched the wall next to me. "Damnit Ahmya, I told you to be careful. I told you! Why don't you ever listen?"

"Do you really think I had plans to get drugged and potentially raped? Do you think I wanted that Dabi?!" I sighed before resting my head against his shoulder, "Fuck Dabi, that was my first date. How was I supposed to know? I would've never went on that date if you would just be with me."

"You know I can't do that Ahmya. It wouldn't end well."

"We could make it work. Please."

I felt his arms on my shoulders before he pushed me from him, "Ahmya no. I'm doing this for your safety. I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Bullshit. You're doing this for you, not for me."


"Stop trying to play the hero Dabi. You think that us not being together will keep me safe but it's not. It's only making things worse." I brushed past him, going to leave. "The next time you try to come to my apartment, the door will be locked."

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