Jean Kirschtein| My Savior

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I snuck out the back of the town house, not wanting to watch the play from behind. I glanced at the armband that was around my left arm, wishing I could go without having to wear it at all. Of course I couldn't say that out loud unless I wanted to be arrested and quite possibly killed.

My fingers tapped against my thigh, a military issued gun strapped around it, hidden by my coat. I stole it from my dad before leaving, knowing he wouldn't need it. I had a bad feeling as I edged around the ground, hoping that no one from the military would notice me.

I leaned against a pillar, standing off to the side of the Warriors and Warrior Candidates. It's so stupid, wanting to become an Honorary Marleyan so bad that they would shorten their lives. Like Marley has ever done anything for us, why should we do anything for them? Why should we risk our lives for people who wouldn't do the same? I tried to focus on Willy Tybur but I couldn't, my anger filling me.

There was a rumble, the ground shaking underneath my feet as I tried to keep my balance. What was happening? I whipped my head around as everyone started running, shoving each other to get out of the square. There was chunks of debris raining down and I looked up to see a titan where the house I had been in just ten minutes before was.

A gasp left my throat as I stumbled back, I had seen illustrations of titans in textbooks but they looked nothing like this titan. It let out a scream as it's hand destroyed the stage and grabbed Willy Tybur. I turned and ran, trying to find a safe space.

The screams wouldn't get out of my head and I ran blindly, not caring who I shoved out of my way. The tide of the crowd shoved me into the doorway of one of the townhouses and I crouched down, letting the Marleyans run for their lives.

The ground still shook and I heard the rumble of buildings being demolished which meant the titan was still here, probably fighting another titan. Two Eldians who have the same blood, fighting each other because they think the other is a Devil, separated only by an ocean. It was stupid but governments couldn't understand that, whole nations couldn't understand that. They didn't want to understand it because of something in our blood makes us turn into mindless monsters but that's only if you have the titan serum. Which Marley does. And they use it as a punishment.

I gritted my teeth, I don't care who dies in this battle, as long as I get my freedom. Whether it'll be from death or by getting out of this country will remain to be seen.

There was a giant light that blinded me, followed by a gust of wind that could rival a hurricane. The people fleeing screamed as debris rained from the sky. It was like a hurricane, only man made.

I don't know what compelled me to do it but I shoved the door open to the townhouse, not caring if there was a family already in here. They could spare some space for another person. I ran upstairs, every room that I passed was dark and I didn't hear any sounds except my panting as I thundered up creaky stairs. The family must've been at the play. Maybe they were dead.

I stopped in a bedroom and crouched down at the footboard, hearing machine gun fire. I wasn't about to be killed by not so friendly friendly fire.

The blasts were coming closer and I held my head to my knees, wishing for it to be over already. Holes started peppering through the thin walls and the window shattered, something thumping to the floor.

My eyes widened as a man rolled behind a dresser, glancing at the window as the machine gun continued to shoot into the room. He held a gun in his hand, something that looked like it was from Marley but I knew from his uniform that he wasn't from here. He was one of those "Island Devils."

A bullet grazed my cheek, a stinging sensation left behind it and I screamed. There was the familiar click of a weapon being locked into place and I brought my borrowed gun out, lifting it just as the man found me. I tried to keep my breathing level as the man held his gun at my chest.

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