Levi Ackerman| Brat

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I sighed as I started cleaning the windows for the fourth time, attempting to get them to Captain Levi's standards as he stood behind me.

"This is so stupid." I muttered as I sprayed the glass once again.

"What was that brat?"

I turned around, clenching the damp rag, "I said this is stupid. That's the fourth time you've made me clean that window! If it's not already clean by now then it's not going to be!"

We stared at each other, a silent standoff until Levi rolled his eyes, letting out a 'tch', "Clean the whole place brat. By tomorrow." He turned and left and I gave a little smirk, knowing I could talk Eren into helping me, "By yourself!" Levi yelled, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the window. Stupid shorty.
"I thought I told you to clean the entire headquarters?"

I cracked one eye open and shielded it from the sun to look at Levi who towered over me as I laid on the ground, "And I did. It's easy when someone isn't telling you to redo it over and over again."

He looked down at me with those bored, half lidded eyes that's seen horrors, "Do it again. Have it done by dinner."

I sat up quickly, "That's no fair Le- Captain Levi!"

His eyes sharpened, "I am your captain and that means you do what I say brat and when I say you clean the headquarters again that means you do it."

I stood up, looking down at Levi, "Whatever you say Captain." I said, throwing in as much sarcasm as I can.

As I went to walk past him he grabbed my wrist, "Just because you have a lot kills and assists, almost more then me doesn't mean you can disrespect your captain. Got it brat?"

I nodded and he spoke again before letting me go, "Come to my office when you're done."

I nodded again and left but not before hearing another 'tch' from him.
I knocked on the wooden door in front of me, waiting patiently for Levi to call me in. Eren walked down the hallway and I threw my hand up in greeting which he just nodded at before hurrying away as the door creaked open, "Come in."

I walked in, closing the door behind me as I stood in front of Levi. He looked up at me from underneath hooded eyelids, barely seeing his blue, border lining grey eyes, "Did you get it done?"

I nodded, "Yes Captain Levi."

"Good." He got up, leaning against a mahogany desk, "Do you know why I chose you for the Special Operations Squad?"

"Um because I'm good? Better then most? Like almost everyone in this squad?"

"Yes but you're also here because of a promise I made to your brother. I promised him I'd look after you." Levi stared at me so intently I had to look away, "Furlan wanted what was best for you and... I might not be the best but I'm doing what I can to keep my promise."

I looked around the room, avoiding looking at Levi as he talked about my brother. I know I act like I don't like Levi but I grew up with him basically, looking out for each other but I'm not buying into this captain shit.

"Does this mean the punishments are gonna stop?" I looked up at him, a small smile on my face.

Levi watched me before rolling his eyes, "Come here brat." He said before opening his arms up for me to step into.

I inhaled his scent of sweat, cleaning products, and tea and sighed, "I've missed you Levi. You've been so distant, not talking to me."

"I'm sorry brat but I thought it would've been better that way. Being distant saves lives."

I pulled back with a frown, "Levi, what happened to my brother and Isabel wasn't your fault. They... they did what they thought was right while you did what you thought you had to do. It's not your fault." I ran a hand through his hair, pushing back some of his bangs, "You're not cursed Levi. Not everyone who you get close to will die."

I paused for a moment before amending my previous statement, "Okay they will die but it's not going to be because of you."

I stared into his steel eyes, hoping he would say something.

"I love you."

I blinked in surprise, not quite sure if I heard correctly, "What?"

Levi shook his head, pulling away from me, "Nothing. You should go brat, you don't want to miss dinner."

"Levi Ackerman, you do not get to say something like that then say it's nothing." I put my hands on my hips, "Say it again. I wanna make sure I heard correctly."

We had a staring contest before he relented with a sigh, "I love you brat. There, ya happy now?"

I smiled, excitement filling my veins before tackling him in a hug, "I love you too Levi."

There was a 'tch' in my ear as his arms encircled me before he muttered, "Brat."

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