Kurama Shinjirou| Birdbrain

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I frowned as I tried to make my way to the entrance of my school. It didn't help that it was full of reporters and cameras, all of them basically screaming about the celebrity that joined our school. The front yard was worse with the fangirls.

The hallway leading to my classroom was even worse. I had to shove my way to the door and then, there was someone blocking the way.

"Move it." I growled out as I ran into them, my hands brushing against something soft. Oh no, I thought a second before it happened.

I glanced around, noticing a boy with red hair and wings. He flinched as a man berated him. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I could tell it hurt the little boy's feelings.

I blinked, the images leaving my mind as the person I ran into looked down at me. Sharp eyes bore into mine and I could feel the stillness in the hallway as everyone watched us. It seemed I had ran into Kurama, the super famous pop idol.

"What?" He seemed... surprised.

"You heard me, get you and your huge ass wings out of this doorway so I can get to my seat." I knew something he didn't know I knew. I knew he wasn't human. It was apparent by his memory I saw. Supernatural beings memories always had a different feel to them then what humans did. There was this grainy film over them.

He blinked, his confidence faltering a little and I pushed past him, touching his wings once again. Everyone thought they were fake but I knew now they were real.

Gasps traveled throughout his fans and I knew I just made several enemies. But I could care less about what they thought. One touch and I would know whatever they wanted to keep secret. It was the tricky thing about memories. They would reveal you without any hesitation.

I leaned back in my seat as I watched Kurama recover himself. It didn't take long. He had an image to uphold and nothing was going to ruffle his feathers.

I had to keep my snort to myself at my little pun but as Kurama's eyes flashed towards me, I knew he could feel what I was thinking.

The smoke from his dramatic entrance finally dissipated as he set his sights on someone. Almost all the girls lost their minds as they thought he was looking at them. But he was looking at only one of them.

"Hey, you with the hood. Move it!" He kicked the chair out from underneath Nanami. I heard the whispers, talking about how poor she was.

I rolled my eyes as I watched Kurama lean back, Nanami running out of the classroom. I closed my eyes as I sighed before standing up. I knew how it felt to have people whispering about you, not even behind your back but where you can hear them. It felt shitty.

"God, why do you have to be such a asshole?" I paused at Kurama's desk, the redhead glancing up at me lazily.

He gave me a smirk, "What? Me, an asshole? I never thought of it."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Apologize to Nanami whenever you get the chance. Dick." I muttered before I left, following Nanami's footsteps to the bathroom.

I paused outside the door, hearing voices. One of them male.

"You don't care about me. At all." I heard footsteps and I scrambled back as the door opened, revealing Nanami. We stared at each other, neither of us moving before she gave me an embarrassed smile.

"I'm sorry, Nakamura-chan." She moved out of my way, her eyes puffy and red rimmed as her smile wobbled.

"I-it's fine, Nanami." I muttered as I entered the bathroom. I guess my idea to comfort her was down the drain. Which is probably for the best. I wouldn't help her reputation. I would probably only ruin it even more.
I leaned back in my seat during lunch watching as Isobe strolled up to Nanami. The poor girl couldn't seem to catch a break today.

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