Shota Aizawa| You Need to Rest

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I followed everyone as we got an incoming call from some ambulances saying they were bringing in people from the USJ, one of the training facilities for UA students. Soon I heard the wheels of gurneys and I hurried to them to quickly assess what state the injured were in.

My heart almost stopped in my chest as I looked at the first injured person. Tears sprung into my eyes as I stared at the bloodied state my former teacher was in. I shook my head and ran alongside the gurney, touching my hand to his bloody forehead to assess his vitals. His condition wasn't the best but he wasn't in any danger of dying soon, but he was loosing blood fast and had multiple broken bones. I yelled this out to the other doctors as we wheeled him into an operation room and I quickly got ready to heal him alongside my mentor, Recovery Girl.
"Come on Kaori, you can do this. You can talk to him, it's fine." I slapped my cheek as I prepared myself to walk into Aizawa's room to check on him.

I took a deep breath in and opened the door to the bandaged sight of Aizawa. He was up and walking around his room, gathering things the best he could with bandaged arms.

"Mr. Aizawa! You're supposed to be in bed!" I frowned and crossed my arms as I watched him.

He looked to me, his eyes showing from his bandaged face, "Yasuda, it's nice to see you're doing well."

I marched up to my former teacher whom I hadn't seen in two years. "You need to get back in bed Mr. Aizawa. You're not fully healed and need rest."

"I've rested enough." He said bluntly, "I have classes I need to go teach."

"You are not allowed to leave yet. We've already contacted Principle Nezu and he understands. Now lay back down."

"I'm fine Yasuda. I can go."

I shook my head stubbornly, "Those kids must be something for you to want to go back so quickly but I can't allow it. Doctor's orders."

Aizawa muttered something I didn't catch. "Yasuda I am fine. I feel great, you did amazing healing."

I shook my head again, "Please Mr. Aizawa. I understand you want to go back but you're not fully healed. You took a lot of damage and you haven't recovered. So please, lay back down." For a moment he looked like he would but then he brushed past me, using his shoulder to move me like a doll.

"I'm leaving." He said gruffly.

"Wait!" I held my hands out, almost grabbing him but retracting at the last second.

He stopped but didn't turn around, "What?"

"If you insist on leaving then I'm coming with you to watch over you. If you make it throughout the day without anything happening then I will medically clear you and I will leave you alone."

I waited for a moment to see what his reaction would be and he sighed. "Fine."

I followed him out of the hospital after explaining that he was being really stubborn and that I was going to observe him as he taught.

"You don't have to do this Yasuda." Aizawa said as I followed him.

"As a doctor who's concerned for your wellbeing, yes I do." And as a person who's still in love with you after all these years. My face slightly went pink and I pinched myself to stop.

We approached the UA building and I glared up at it. I was offered a job as a school nurse here to take over Recovery Girl's job whenever I had graduated but I turned it down because I hated it here. Those three years were torture for me.

"Never thought I'd be here again." I muttered as I followed him through the gates.

"I told you you didn't have to come."

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