Hidan| The Forest*

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Warning: Mild language and violence

I sighed as I walked through the forest that only a Nara can enter. The relaxing presence of the forest helped me calm down. I continued walking through the forest until I came to the edge of it and I heard rustling from outside the border. I paused, stepping in the shadow of a tree as I watched two men walk past.

They both were wearing matching cloaks, black with red clouds and one was wearing a mask, covering his face as he had a headband on his forehead. He was tall with weird eyes. His companion had his cloak down around his waist, showing off his muscular chest with silver, slicked back hair and purple eyes and a giant scythe on his back. The Akatsuki.

I watched from the shadows as they walked by, "Man I want someone to sacrifice. I haven't been able to sacrifice anyone lately." The silver haired man said.

"Don't you ever stop complaining?" The masked man said before stopping, "Although today might be your lucky day." He turned in my direction, walking to the forest before being stopped, unable to pass.

The silver haired man joined him and looked confused when he wasn't able to pass into the forest. I stepped out from the shadows, making sure to not pass the border as I stood in front of them, "You won't be able to pass unless I give you permission."

The silver haired man stared at me before smirking, "She would be perfect to sacrifice to Jashin." He once again tried to enter but was unable.

"I'm not going to be sacrificed today mister. I don't feel like dying." I crossed my arms as I glared at them.

"But killing you would give me the greatest pleasure."

"What a drag. I told you I'm not interested in dying."

The masked man watched me without saying anything before turning to the silver haired man, "I'm leaving. You can wait here to see if she leaves or not, either way, I'm leaving your ass."

The silver haired nin was about to argue but the masked man had already left. He turned to me, "That little shit. This is your fault."

"Nothing's my fault mister. You should go after your partner before he leaves you completely."

He stared at me before turning, going to leave and I called after him, "Hey, what's your name?"

He turned back with a smirk, "Hidan."

I gave him a smile, "Michi."
I kept my meeting of the two members of the Akatsuki a secret from my brother. There was something about Hidan that I felt the need to keep him to myself.

I walked through the forest again, making my way to the place where I met Hidan the first time. I was surprised to see the silver haired nin again, sitting down at the border, his scythe on the ground beside him.

"Here to sacrifice me Hidan? What a drag." I said as I approached him.

He looked up, looking at me with his purple eyes, "Whenever I decide on someone to sacrifice to Jashin, I'm going to sacrifice them."

"If I was you, I'd give up and find someone else to sacrifice. I'm not going to leave the forest."

"Then why the hell are you here?"

"To see if you would be here. And I was correct." I sat down in front of him, "Does this make you mad? Your prey being so close yet you can't get to it?"

"Very." He growled out.

I laughed, "I bet you want in here. But let me issue this warning: if you ever enter here, you won't leave." I gave him a leveled look and it was his turn to laugh.

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