Giyu Tomioka| Tease

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[Modern AU]

I giggled as I prepared myself to walk through the gates to school. I knew who would be waiting at those gates and I knew what he was about to say.


I paused in front of the gate, giving Tomioka-sensei a smile. "Good morning Tomioka-sensei! Such a lovely morning, isn't it?"

Tomioka-sensei had a no-care attitude and it didn't matter how friendly you were, he would write you up without hesitation if he found something on you not school appropriate. But I've found out that if you start poking fun at him, that you could basically get away with anything.

"Dyed hair, piercings, not wearing school regulated shoes, chewing bubblegum." Tomioka-sensei listed off my offenses but I knew there was some he was missing.

"Let's see." I started walking around the teacher, eyeing him up as I thought. "Hair too long." I used a hidden pair of scissors to cut the hair tie that was holding Tomioka's hair back. I continued to the front where I had unzipped his jacket, "Showing too much skin. And," I pointed to his wooden bamboo stick, "you're not allowed to have weapons on school property."

I shook my head at Tomioka-sensei who was too flustered to do anything. "Have you no shame Tomioka-sensei?"

I heard Shinobu call out to me and I wiggled my fingers at the gym teacher, "Goodbye Tomioka-sensei. I hope you have a nice day." I gave him a wink before joining Shinobu's side.

"Teasing Tomioka-sensei again?" She said lightly.

I giggled. "You know I can't help it. He basically brings it upon himself. He's way too young to be this stuck up."
I lightly jogged around the field with Shinobu, both of us lagging behind the rest of our classmates.

"Kocho! Iwai! Pick up the pace!" Tomioka-sensei yelled at us as he supervised us.

"Oh but Tomioka-sensei, I can't run any faster than this where I had hurt my ankle in your last class. Don't you remember?" I gave him a smile as I feigned a limp.

He sighed, "That's what you said last week too."

"Should I go to Tamayo-sensei and get a note? It'll be a long walk but I think I could do it." I turned, going to limp back into the building but Tomioka-sensei stopped me.

"No, you don't have to. Just remember to bring a note next time."

My smile widened as me and Shinobu continued. "Thank you Tomioka-sensei!"

Me and Shinobu giggled as soon as we were out of earshot of Tomioka-sensei.
I had made it my mission to spend my third and last year at Kimetsu Academy teasing Tomioka-sensei whenever I could. I didn't tease him everyday, that would get old and he would know it's coming. But if I did it randomly then it would keep him on his toes.

Shinobu likes to joke that I'm his favorite because I hardly ever get in trouble with him. She's constantly teasing me about him, saying that I have a crush on the spartan gym teacher.

I rolled my eyes as Shinobu once again accused me of having a crush on Tomioka-sensei. "Who would ever have a crush on that man? He has the personality of a bamboo stick and has no emotions. He's like a robot. No one would ever like him."

"The personality of a bamboo stick...?"

I froze as I heard a low voice behind me. I knew that voice. It was Tomioka-sensei.

"Tomioka-sensei, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. It was just a joke. I'm sure someone out there likes you." I turned around, not even looking at him as I bowed. "Please forgive me."

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