The Marauders| I'm...

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Everyone looked around in Transfiguration, waiting for the Marauders to show up. They were late, they knew it, McGonagall knew it, the whole castle knew it.

The door slammed open, startling some of the students as the Marauders raced in.

"I'm here!" Peter yelled as he slammed into his desk, knocking the air out of himself.

"I'm queer!" Sirius said as he almost ran into his desk but saved himself.

"I'm a deer!" James yelled, tripping over his chair, causing a lot of giggles.

Remus walked in, looking at his friends exasperatedly, one halfway on his desk, one casually leaning against the desk, and one laying in the floor, face first. Then he looked at Professor McGonagall who watched all of them with an eyebrow raised, "I'm... sorry." He said apologetically.

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