Charlie Weasley| Little Dragon

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I smiled as I looked around the Burrow. It had been years since I've been there. Well ever since Percy tried to kiss me that one time... I never could look at him the same again.

Percy Weasley and I used to be the best of friends even with his stuck up ways. That was until sixth year whenever he suddenly leaned in and attempted to kiss me. It wasn't my first kiss or anything but that was my best friend trying to kiss me. And so we stopped talking to each other after that.

But I got an invitation from Molly Weasley to stay a week at the Burrow for Bill's wedding. I had always liked Bill whenever he was at the Burrow the same time I was. I had a bit of a crush on him with his long hair he refused to cut and the fang earring.

"Kaida dear, it's been so long!" Exclaimed a voice from the porch.

I looked to see Molly and a grin overtook my face, "It's so good to see you Molly." Molly had always been like a second mother to me and I would do anything for her.

She gestured me towards her, "Come in, come in." As soon as we entered she pulled me in a hug, "I have missed you so much dear."

I practically melted into her motherly embrace, "I've missed you too."

"Mum, where'd you put my broomst- oh we have a guest."

I looked up to see Charlie Weasley and I grinned, "Charlie Weasley. Have you somehow mated with a dragon yet? Whenever I was younger I was convinced that if there was a way, you'd find out how."

His eyes widened for a moment before he grinned back, "Kaida, you cheeky git."

Molly gasped, "Charlie Weasley, language!"

I laughed, "It's alright, that's just how he shows his affection. He secretly loves me Molly."

"You know it Little Dragon."

I walked up to him, not once breaking eye contact until we stood almost chest to chest and he towered over me, "I may be little but I am fierce. And do not forget that Charles Weasley." I was sorted into Gryffindor if you couldn't tell.

He looked down at me with an amused expression, "I'm sure I won't."
I walked out into the yard a little while later and happened upon a quidditch game. I smiled as I watched Ginny rush in to score against Ron. It's been forever since I've seen them and they've grown up without me knowing. Bill was on the other side, playing makeshift Keeper with Fred and George being one beater for each team. And there looked to be a terrified Hermione Granger playing Chaser for Ron's team. She obviously was not very good on a broom.

And then there was Charlie and little Harry Potter who was not so little anymore playing as Seekers. I remember going to Gryffindor quidditch matches to watch Charlie. He was probably the best Seeker they had until Harry came along.

Charlie called down at me as soon as he saw me, "Oi Little Dragon, up for a game of quidditch. Or do you still suck?"

I laughed, "I'll have you know I made the team my last two years at Hogwarts. I think you were the reason I never made it before."

I gestured for Hermione to come down and she gladly did so with a relieved look on her face. "I don't know why I let them talk me into that." She mumbled as she passed me the hand me down broom. It was a shaky little bugger from all its years of use.

I got up into the air and quickly tracked down Ginny with the Quaffle. She was good. I went after her, quickly swiping the Quaffle from her and booked it towards Bill, scoring against him. I looked up at Charlie and gave him a wink before going after Ginny again and ducking from a Bludger that Fred sent my way.
I graciously landed back on the ground and I immediately laid down on the ground. I'm out of shape, I should've never stopped playing quidditch. Charlie leaned over me with a cheeky grin, "Out of breath Little Dragon?"

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