Katsuki Bakugou| Quirkless

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Chia Aizawa: She's the adopted daughter of pro hero Eraserhead, Shota Aizawa. Her parents put her up for adoption after she never developed a Quirk and since then it's been hard to be adopted. Eraserhead found her in an alley and took a liking to her, promptly adopting her.

Quirk: Quirkless. Because she's Quirkless she quickly started developing her fighting skills. She's one of the best fighters there is.

Age: 15
I stared in boredom at the door to the class I was suppose to go in. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to make friends but my father, my adopted father, was making me join him so I could be around people my age. It didn't help that this was a school for heroes who had Quirks.

"Dad." I whined. "I don't want to make friends."

"Too bad." Shota Aizawa said in his deep voice, "You're here and you're going to make friends."

I just sighed and Shota opened the very tall door that I didn't believe needed to be that large.

"Alright class, uh do whatever you want as long as you don't wake me up." Shota waved his hand before laying down behind his desk in a sleeping bag.

I felt all eyes on me and I sighed again before jumping up on Shota's desk, sitting cross legged and stared at them back. One of the students, a boy with dark hair and glasses stood up, "Why are you disrespecting the desk like that? Get off. There has been generations of pro heroes that has used that desk so don't scoff it." He spoke self-righteously, holding his arms out at angles, the light gleaming off his glasses.

I held my arms out like his, sitting up straighter. "Why don't you sit down in your all important seat and let me be?" I slouched again, wondering why Shota made me do this, I obviously wasn't going to make any friends here.

There was some chuckles and I sighed. "I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. I'm Chia Aizawa, the adopted daughter of your teacher." I waved my hand down towards the floor where there was a snore from my dad. "He brought me here today because he thinks I need to make friends with people my age." I thought for a moment, "Oh and I'm Quirkless."

Some of the students looked shocked with some giggling. I looked around to see a green haired boy who looked like he was about to pee his pants stand up. "I-it's nice to meet you Chia Aizawa. I'm Izuku Midoriya." He said in a wobbly voice.

"Shut up you damn nerd." A blonde haired boy yelled.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You shut up you loser."

The blonde boy turned to me, rage written across his face, "What did you just say to me, Quirkless loser?"

I got down from my perch on the table, casually stretching before making my way to the angry blonde who stood up and met me halfway, our chests almost touching as he looked down at me, baring his teeth. "I said to shut up loser because no one wants to hear you yelling all the damn time."

His chest started heaving up and down. "I'm gonna kill you."

I sighed, "Please do, it's better then seeing your ugly ass."

I turned around and he let out a guttural sound, the sound of explosions coming from behind me. I turned around, barely avoiding his right hand that had smoke coming from it. I grabbed his arm, using his momentum to flip him. He landed on his back, his face full of surprise.

The room was silent and I sighed, popping my neck. "Well as much fun as this has been, I should go home. It's my nap time." I waved my hand before sliding the huge door open, leaving.
I sighed as I plucked at the weird suit my dad made me wear. "Why am I here again? I told you I don't want friends. And I don't want to wear this stupid outfit."

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