Haruhi Fujioka| Refreshing

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Being a part of the elites at Ouran High School comes with many advantages, like having connections with other wealthy elites. But it also has disadvantages, like having to be around the mindless sons and daughters of wealthy families who think their family's money can get them anything. And that was the majority of Ouran High School.

I sighed as I heard majority of the girls in my class gathered and whispering to themselves about some son of a wealthy merchant and how cute and rich they think he is. Wasn't there anything better to talk about?

I glanced to the person to my left. Even though we had been in the same classroom for the year, I wasn't sure if they were a girl or a guy. It truthfully made me jealous of how androgynous they are. I wish I could look ghat androgynous and make people wonder what my gender is. If they even have one.

The hair says guy but the delicate facial features says girl. And the clothes say I couldn't afford the school's uniform so I bought this instead.

Haruhi Fujioka is here on a scholarship and that's all I know about them. If they weren't in my class then I probably wouldn't even know about their existence at all.

I scribbled on a scrap piece of paper before slidding it over to Fujioka and tapping the desk to make sure they notice.

It was just a simple hi. I know that a lot of the students here ignore Fujioka because they're "poor" but I do not care about that. If anything, this will be a good opportunity for me. Having wealthy connections are important but so are having poorer connections. I'm sure there is something Fujioka would be able to offer that the elites here won't be able to.

When the paper was slid back over, I smiled at Fujioka's neat handwriting. I was going to make them my friend no matter what.
I frowned as I searched for Fujioka. We were supposed to study together but I can't seem to find her. I also finally figured out that Fujioka is biologically a female after going through the school records. It's amazing how the office doesn't keep those under a strict lock and key. Who knows who could get ahold of those. Although she doesn't seem to care how you address her.

I went through all the empty classrooms before coming to one room that I had never set foot in before. Everyone knew that this was the room the Ouran Host Club uses. I rolled my eyes as I thought about them. All it was was a money gimmick to have some girls have a parasocial relationship with someone they would never have. Honestly, it was cruel to those girls.

There was no way Fujioka would be in there. I don't even think she knew of the existence of the host club. All she focused on was her studies and that was it. It truly impressed me how hardworking she was with her studies. I know of some people who go here who could benefit from learning from Fujioka. I'm sure she'll be able to make something of herself one day.

I opened the door to the host club, fully expecting Fujioka to not be in there. But imagine my surprise when I saw her there, surrounded by the boys of the host club.

"What's going on?" I asked. The whole host club was there with Fujioka and I know something had to have happened with the way she was laying on the floor.

"Ah, Miss Takahashi, welcome." Kyoya Ootori stepped forward, bowing to me. "What brings you here?"

I ignored him, stepping towards Fujioka. "Did something happen? Did they do something to you?"

There was a gasp from Tamaki Suoh as he stepped towards us. "We have done nothing to Haruhi-kun."

I noticed the use of masculine honorifics when talking about Fujioka and realized they thought she was a boy.

"There was a little accident which has put Haruhi-kun in our debt which he needs to pay off."

"How much is it?" I asked, finally giving my attention to Ootori.

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