Orange Cassidy| Jacket

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"Why do you need to go out there."

"Because I'm a vigilante who takes things from people."

"But you take things from both sides."

"I never said I was a good vigilante."

Cody just sighed and gestures towards the tunnels where the wrestlers enter, "Fine go. But don't get mad at me when Penelope kicks you in the face."

I smiled, "You really think that one little kick is going to do me in? I thought you had more faith in me Cody."

He rolled his eyes, "Just go Harley."

I gave him a salute, "Yessir!" And ran out the production room, towards the Orange Cassidy vs. Jimmy Havoc match.

I don't know either of them well even though I'm a wrestler too. But my gimmick is that I'm a vigilante, I come in your time of need and help you. But for a price and that price is always something that you show up with whether it be a hat or jacket or a bandana, I will always get my repayment. So I'm kinda like Robin Hood but I keep it for myself rather than give it to the poor. Pretty good gimmick if I say so myself.

I showed up out of the tunnel just as Penelope Ford was trying to distract Orange Cassidy enough for Jimmy Havoc to regain his senses. I mean I guess Penelope was alright in real life, I've only ever talked to her once, but her gimmick actually makes me not like her. I shook my head, I get wayyy into this.

I saw Chuck Taylor tap her on the back of the leg, obviously asking her to get down. She just looked down at him with that smile of hers and tried to kick him. He caught it, obviously knowing what she was trying to do and then tried to pull her off the ring.

It didn't work, she just went into a split. I wish I had her flexibility. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and Kip Sabian, in all his British glory, came into the ring and I ran, shoving Chuck and Trent out of the way and ducking, narrowly avoiding being hit by Kip.

I looked at Chuck and Trent, giving them a wink before going after Penelope. They can deal with Kip.

She was up on the turnbuckles, on the top but before I could stop her, she jumped. I watched with my eyes wide as Orange rolled and she missed, almost hitting Jimmy.

I ran to the other side, avoiding Chuck and Trent and Kip, to meet Penelope. We stared at each other, almost like two gunslingers waiting to draw. She made the first move, going to kick me. I caught her foot and pushed it up, throwing her off balance causing her to fall back. I cringed at the thought of hitting that hard floor and sent mental apologies her way before turning to grab Orange's discarded jacket from the floor where Penelope had stomped on it.

I heard the bell ring and turned to see Jimmy pile driving Orange. And then Kip joined in on the jumping of Orange Cassidy.

I jumped into the ring and ran up to them. I snapped Orange's jacket towards them, hitting Kip in the face. He stepped back, looking at me and Jimmy stepped up to me, Orange laying between us, "Git on, git! Shoo fly!" I said, snapping the jacket towards them.

Then Chuck and Trent showed up into the ring, running them out. I watched as Penelope joined them at entrance tunnels and I looked down at Orange and held up his jacket, "Hey, can I keep this?"

He didn't even bother moving. You would've thought he was dead if his chest hadn't been heaving up and down, "Ok thanks. I'm sure you can get another one."

I exited the ring, passing Chuck and Trent, "See ya." I said, giving them a wink.

I walked through the entrance tunnels, quickly going back to the production room where Cody was. I held up the jacket proudly, "I got it!"
I was leaving the arena, planning on ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the hotel whenever I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Orange Cassidy, running towards me with his usual white T-shirt with himself on it.

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