Leo Valdez| Leo's World

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I looked around the Pantheon, ignoring my tour guide as I looked around the architecture. I didn't know a lot about architecture but I could still appreciate how amazing this looked.

As I looked towards Raphael's tomb I noticed two guys, one big and tall and the other shorter and a little on the scrawny side. They were standing side by side, almost like they were guarding something.

They were looking around, the big guy looked nervous while the little dude kept flashing people smiles that made them uneasy. He kept fidgeting with stuff, mainly the tool belt around his waist.

Then I noticed three big dudes who kept glancing at the other two guys and they gave me a bad vibe as they slowly progressed towards them. I put on my best smile and made my way to the big and scrawny guys, trying to act like I know them to keep the big Americans away.

They looked confused and nervous as I approached them and I hugged both of them, almost laughing at their mirrored images of surprise, "There's three guys that's been watching you. They've been slowly making their way to you and it's been making me nervous. Do you know them?" I whispered.

The scrawny one shook his head. "No but we've noticed them. I don't trust them." He eyed me wearily, "But who are you?"

I slightly turned my body so I could watch the three guys, "Alyssa. I'm sorry about hugging you but I wanted it to look like I knew you so they wouldn't get suspicious."

They each gave me suspicious looks and I looked behind them to see a hole of blackness. So that's what they were guarding, a secret entrance.

The three men were heading for us now and it made me scared. I grabbed the scrawny ones arm and squeezed it, "They're coming."

They're eyes zeroed in on one person, the scrawny one, and glared at him.

"Uh Frank, has it been ten minutes yet?" The scrawny one asked.

The Americans looked angry and confused as they approached us.

"Leo Valdez," one of the guys, he was wearing a shirt that said Roma on it. His voice sounded hollow and not at all American, "We meet again."

"Uh do you know these people?" I saw their eyes change color to gold and I held back a shriek.

The big guy, Frank, let out a yelp, "Eidolons!"

"They can't fit down the hole." Leo said.

"Right, underground is sounding really good." Frank said before turning into a snake and slithering into the hole they were guarding.

My eyes widened but before I could think about it, Leo dragged me and pulled me in after him with the Americans, or Eidolons, whatever you wanted to call them wailed, "Valdez! Kill Valdez!"

As soon as we entered, the hole closed, sending us into complete darkness. There was wheezing that I'm pretty sure was coming from Frank. Can snakes wheeze?

"What now?" Ok so I'm pretty sure Frank wasn't a snake anymore because I definitely know snakes can't talk.

"Okay, don't freak. I'm gonna summon a little fire, just so we can see."

"Thanks for the warning."

I frowned, what were they on about?

Suddenly there was a little flame and I could see what we were in: a tunnel. I looked at the fire and my eyes widened, it seemed to be coming from Leo, from his finger.

"How are you doing that? What were those... those Eidolons or whatever you called them? Why do they want to kill you?" I whirled around to Frank, "And you! What are you? You... you turned into a snake!"

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