Mina Ashido| Babe

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Toshiko Kirishima: she's the older sister of Eijiro Kirishima. She's a little bit of a flirt but knows to quit before someone gets hurt.

Quirk: hardening

Age: 16
I was late meeting my brother. I was supposed to meet him in front of his middle school but one of the teachers at UA had wanted to talk to me about something, causing me to be late. And when I saw he wasn't waiting for me, I knew he already went on home. So I decided to go home too.

As I made my way into town, I heard crying and I noticed a group of girls, one of them crying and I saw my brother, just staring at them.

I frowned, it wasn't like my brother to leave someone alone when he saw they were crying. I shook my head before jogging up to the group of distressed girls. I needed to know if something bad had happened to them and if there was anything I could do.

"Hey." I saw the girl crying, her skin and hair was pink. A very pretty pink. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Her eyes slowly opened, revealing her yellow eyes which stood out against her black sclerae. "T-there was this gi... giant man and he-he was asking about an agency. He was so scary!" Her tears came quicker now and I looked up to see cracks on the building above them. Did that giant man do that?

"It's okay now. If he comes back, I'll send him on his way. He won't be bothering you anymore." I smiled down at her, wiping her tears away. "I'll protect you."

She blinked as she looked up at me and I recognized her school uniform. She goes to the same middle school as my brother. Is that why he didn't go up to her? Because he knew her?

"Do you want me to walk you home? Would that make you feel safer?" One of the first things you learn at UA is that your job is to make those around you feel safer. That's what a hero is supposed to do.

She sniffled as she wiped her tears before she finally shook her head. "N-no. I think I'll be fine."

"Okay. You were very brave and I hope you won't cry anymore. He doesn't deserve the tears of someone as pretty and strong as you. So keep your head up, you did something really good." I gave her a wink as I went to leave and as I left I heard the group of girls giggling.

I joined my brother's side, his eyes still wide as he looked up at me.

"C'mon Eijiro, we should leave. Did you see what happened to those girls?"

There was a moment before he spoke, "There was this... giant hulking man. He was covered by a cloak and it looked like he was disturbing those girls. I... I wanted to help them but I... I couldn't move. I don't know why I couldn't move. And then Ashido came to protect her friends and whatever she said made the man leave."

Ashido... "You felt fear. You was filled with dread at the sight of this... villain." I slung my arm around his shoulders, squeezing him, "Don't worry, the best of us will freeze in the face of danger. You'll learn to overcome that fear, especially at the right time."

I could tell Eijiro was still bothered by the fact he didn't help those girls. I couldn't help but sigh. He still has a long way to go.
"Are you excited?" I glanced at my brother as we walked up to Japan's most prestigious hero school, UA High. I was going into my second year at UA and Eijiro into his first.

Eijiro nodded, a smile taking over his face as he held a fist up. "I'm going to become the manliest hero!"

I couldn't help but laugh. After everything happened with the giant man that was never seen again, Eijiro threw himself into training and changing his perspective about everything. He even changed his appearance and we barely looked like siblings any more.

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