Megumi Fushiguro| It's Okay

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I sighed as I looked up at my new school, wondering why I had to be here. It wasn't like I was going to make any friends or learn anything. Not with what's wrong with me.

I tilted my head, my eyes narrow as I heard thumps and I followed along the edge of the school until I came across a pile of bodies, each one of them groaning as they laid on top of each other.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I muttered as I circled around the pile. They were beaten up pretty good, bruises forming on their faces, a few of them was bleeding too.

"Please! I promise I won't do it again! Just let me go!" A voice squawked out and I turned to see a boy being held up by his shirt by another boy with spiky hair. He glanced around, his eyes full of panic, "Just let me go!"

"Hey!" I clenched my fist. I hated people who would beat up others for fun. "Let him go."

The spiky haired boy glanced over his shoulder, nothing on his face as he stared at me. "What?"

"Let him go! What has he ever done to you?" I growled out.

"He's... a delinquent."

I rolled my eyes. "A delinquent. What a sorry excuse to beat someone up for. Maybe I should beat you up since you're obviously a delinquent too, you fucking hypocrite." I held my fists up, "If you're going to fight someone, at least fight someone that has a chance."

His hand slowly let go of the boy's shirt, the boy collapsing to the ground, his whole body trembling. The spiky haired boy stared at me before turning, sticking his hands in his pockets and he left.

I gritted my teeth, rage building up from my stomach, traveling up my throat as he walked away from his mess.

"Fight me, you fucking coward!" My voice echoed throughout the square and the boy paused.

"No." His voice was low and I could hear footsteps hurrying towards us.

"Hey, are you okay?" I bent down, offering the beaten boy a hand and he looked up at me with shining eyes.

"Thank you."
On my first day of school, I met my natural enemy: Megumi Fushiguro. I hated him with every fiber of my being yet he seemed so indifferent towards everything, including me.

Everyone respected him due to the fact he had beat up most of the delinquents around yet there was nothing there to respect.

All the girls loved him. I didn't.

And just like every school I have ever went to since I was a child, the monsters were there. They haunted me in my dreams and when I was awake. And every time I had ever tried telling someone about them growing up, they all would laugh or call me crazy. I had only had one person believe me and she was gone so now I was alone.
I slowly blinked, trying to keep myself from yawning as I tried to pay attention to my teacher. It didn't help that he droned on and on, seemingly about nothing. I shivered, familiar chills crawling up me that caused me to freeze. This feeling was familiar. I associated it with the monsters I kill. The energy output I felt was one of the reasons I had nightmares at night and couldn't sleep. They plagued me. Wherever I was, they were there too.

I sighed as I quietly slipped out the back of my classroom. No one would notice me gone. They never do.

There was a slime trail leading down the hallway towards the stairwell where I saw the end of a tail that reminded me of slug. I could hear it mumbling and knew that I was the only one who could hear it. No one ever hears them until it's too late.

A door slid closed down the hall with a bang and I flinched, not expecting the sound as it echoed down the hallway. I glanced to see who it was and instantly regretted wanting to know.

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