Dabi| Stitches*

21 0 0

Aiya: She's a nurse.

Quirk: Quirkless

Age: 21

Warning: some language
I screamed as I dropped the bags of groceries onto the hard wooden floor. The man who had his back to me at the sink whirled around, a knife glinting in his hand.

"W-who are you?" I backed up, my feet kicking something into the living room. I heard a dull thump as it hit one of my chairs.

"Your worst nightmare sweetheart." The masked man came towards me, stumbling after a couple of steps. He grunted, his hand coming up to clutch his side.

I felt the blood rushing to my head as I watched the masked man who had broken into my home. My eyes flickered behind him where the whiteness of bandages stood out in the dim light.

"Y-you're hurt. I can help you. Just don't hurt me." I took a small step forward, my hands up.

He brandished his knife towards me. "Stay back." His low voice was laced in pain.

"I'm a nurse, I can help you. No one has to be hurt." I took another step forward, avoiding stepping on an apple.

"I said stay back!" He lunged forward, tripping over his feet. The knife clattered noisily from his hand to the floor and I kicked it away. He groaned from the floor.

"Please. I won't ask any questions, just help you and then you leave. I won't tell anyone. Just let me help you." I squatted down in front of him, offering a hand.

"Fine." His head snapped up, bright turquoise eyes sticking out from his dark mask. "But if I find out that you've ratted me out, you're going to be burnt beyond recognition."

My heart thudded in my chest as I help him up. "Duly noted."

He leaned heavily against my kitchen table, his hand pressed against his side.

"You're going to have to show me what's wrong."

"I know." He snapped as I turned on the lights and gathered everything he had already set out on the sink.

His gloved hands pushed his hoodie up, revealing a long gash on his side. The blood hadn't been staunched as it welled up and ran down his side in rivulets.

I tsked. "By the way the edge of your skin looks, you were cut by a serrated knife. Not too deep but deep enough to need stitches. It'll take awhile for those muscle fibers to heal back."

I started to clean the wound, ignoring the way he hissed at the disinfectant. My mind eased as my heart rate dropped at the familiar routine of cleaning a wound.

"I'm Aiya by the way." I looked up for a second to see him looking down at me.

"I don't care."

"I figured you wouldn't. It's still polite." I started to stitch the wound closed.

"Ah fuck. Goddamnit woman, can't you be more gentle?" He hissed as I tugged on the string a little.

"Considering you're the one who broke into my house, I think I can be as rough as I want." I tied the end of it before cleaning the now stitched cut again.

"Couldn't you have you used your Quirk, goddamnit? Don't all you nurses and shit have healing Quirks?"

I sighed as I packed my stuff away. "Can't use a Quirk if you don't have one." I crushed some painkillers up before stirring it into a glass of water. "Drink up, you should be good in a couple of hours."

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