Jasper Hale| A Vision/A Dream

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The Cullens- June 1987
At 12:06 am, Alice Cullen had a vision. She watched as a little baby was swaddled in a pink blanket. The baby, a little pink thing, opened her eyes as she yawned, her little arm sticking out of the blanket as it seemed she was reaching towards Alice. It was almost as if the baby's blue eyes could see Alice.

Suddenly the vision changed, showing Alice a girl approaching her siblings in a crowded cafeteria with a bright smile. The girl's blue eyes showed kindness and knowledge in them as her blue tipped hair swung about her shoulders, addressing the Cullens as a whole.

"Would you mind helping us?" The girl's voice was soft and lilting, she didn't seem to hesitate in her words towards the Cullens.

Alice blinked, her vision ending. She wondered who that girl was and when they would get to meet.
January 2005
Alex laughed as she sat with Angela, Jessica, and the new girl, Bella Swan. "Speaking of the Winter formal, we need more volunteers."

"Good luck finding more." Jessica rolled her eyes, "No one ever wants to do anything."

"Just give me a second, I'm sure I can find some volunteers." Alex grinned at her friends before getting up, walking, although to everyone it seemed like she was almost skipping, over to the other side of the cafeteria.

Alex smiled at the group who she had approached, "Would you mind helping us?" No one had ever thought of asking the Cullens and Hales to help with school functions. Everyone knew that they would refuse.

The girl glanced to the dark haired girl with a pixie cut, her eyes widening as she gasped, "Oh Alice, I have your notebook from Chem. You had accidentally left it behind." Alex's black hair tipped with blue swung like a curtain in front of her face as she bowed her head to look through her bag for Alice's notebook. When Alex had found it, she held it out with both hands.

Alice's hands brushed Alex's, only for a fraction of a second but it was long enough for Alice to have a vision. She saw Alex with the Cullens and Bella, laughing. Alex shuddered, realizing Alice had just done something. Alex's dimmed smile brightened again as she met the eyes of each student, "Would you guys like to help us set up for the Winter formal this Saturday? We could really use your help."

One of the blond Hales, Jasper, shook his head, "I'm sorry but we can-"

"Of course!" Alice interrupted him, "We'd love to help."

Her adoptive siblings all stared at Alice, wondering why she would do this. Alex shuddered again, getting the feeling of someone running a finger through her brain. "Thank you so much. And don't worry, it'll be cloudy that day. It should be safe." Alex waved bye to them before turning and bouncing away.

The Cullens all stared at each other, wondering if the girl somehow knew.
Alex stood outside of the school's gym, looking up ever so often to see if the Cullens were here. When she felt her phone buzz, she knew it was one of them, she just didn't know who.

-Sorry we can't make it today.
-This is Jasper btw.

Alex blinked at her flip phone's screen, a smile coming across her face at the name Jasper. He was, in her opinion, the handsomest of them all. She didn't care about the scars littering his arms and neck leading up to his jaw. That made him even more handsome in her eyes. He had kind gold eyes that sparkled sometimes when he looked at Alice. Alex knew she had no chance with him whatsoever.

It's okay. Maybe next time ;p-

She sighed as she shut her phone, going into the gym where it was halfway decorated.

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