Sirius Black: A Chronology

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A Train Ride
I looked up at the train, fear running through my veins as people jostled me. The Hogwarts Express was nothing to be taken lightly. Once I got on this train, it would change my whole life.

"It's not as scary as it looks." Someone whispered near my ear.

I turned around quickly, almost slapping the dark haired boy who looked to be around my age with curly hair and grey eyes, "What?"

He gave me a crooked grin, "The train, it's not scary. Quite the opposite in fact, it's magical." He held out his hand, "Sirius Orion Black, pleasure to meet you."

"Um," I hesitantly shook his hand, "Riley Jones."

He tugged my hand, making me follow him through the crowd, "Better hurry up, the compartments fill up quickly."
A Sorting Feast
Sirius nudged me as a professor droned on about something called the Sorting Hat which I desperately tried to pay attention to, "What house do you think you'll be in?"

I shrugged, "I'm not exactly sure what's going on."

A look of realization dawned on his face, "You're a muggleborn."

I nodded, "I am. Are you not?"

He shook his head, grinning, "I'm a pureblood. And I want to be in Gryffindor!"

The professor glared at Sirius, "And we do not tolerate interruptions, Mr. Black. Is that clear?"

The grin never left his face, "Yes ma'am."

We all followed the professor into a great hall where there was already students sitting at four different tables. The professor, who I realized was called Professor McGonagall, stepped up on a step next to a stood with a raggedy hat on it. We stared at it for a moment before it came to life and starting singing. When it was over, Professor McGonagall opened up a piece of parchment and called out the first name.

She went through a bunch of names before calling out Sirius', "Black, Sirius."

He gave me a grin before going up there, letting the hat be placed on his head. It took a couple of seconds before it shouted out, "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table started cheering as Sirius went to join them.

I patiently waited before hearing, "Jones, Riley!" Called out. I took a deep breath before taking even strides up to the stool, allowing the hat to be placed on my head as most of the school looked on.

"Hm, you'd do well in Ravenclaw. You're smart. You'd also do well in Slytherin with that ambition of yours." It said into my ear, "You have a lot of dreams for an eleven year old. Which do you prefer?"

"Just put me into whichever you think would suit me." I mumbled.

"Hm yes." It paused for a moment before shouting out, "Slytherin!"

The table where most of the students was wearing green started clapping and cheering as the hat was taken off and I hopped down from the stool. I looked over to the Gryffindor table where Sirius was looking at me with a frown. Did I do something wrong?
A Snowball Fight
I felt something hit the back of my head as I walked into Hogsmeade, already knowing who I would find behind me before I even turned around.

A gleeful looking Sirius Black and James Potter stood alongside a scared looking Peter Pettigrew with a sick looking Remus Lupin behind them. Sirius and James were laughing as they sent another snowball my way.

I raised my hand, casting a deflecting spell that the snowball bounced harmlessly off, "You'll have to do better Black."

He scoffed, "I'm the best the there is."

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