Hitoshi Shinso| Trust

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Quirk: Mind reader.

Age: 15
I frowned as I watched Midoriya's fight against Shinso. Midoriya just stopped, frozen right in his tracks. I closed my eyes, searching against all the minds to find Shinso's.

I gripped the arm of my chair as I was assaulted by his memories; all the people saying he would be a good villain, not wanting to talk to him because of his Quirk, not listening to him. I felt how strongly he wanted to be a hero, to use his Quirk for good, to save people.

I knew how he felt, no one wanted to talk to me either, thinking I would enter their minds and violate their memories.

A tear trickled down my cheek as I opened my eyes, he knew he wouldn't get into the hero course because the exams required strength but his Quirk wasn't physical so he settled for general studies because he thought he could get noticed at the Sports Festival. He wants to prove everyone wrong.

The battle was over, Midoriya winning and I missed it all. I smiled as the crowd cheered Shinso on, saying he did great including his classmates from 1-C. There was a soft smile on his sleep deprived face and my heart shuddered in my chest.

I stood up and Uraraka looked up at me, "Where are you going?"

"To congratulate Shinso. He did good." I left our box, racing down to where the students entered and exited the arena. I saw his crazy, purple hair and ran up to him. "Shinso!"

He turned, a small smile still on his face, "Uh yes?"

I held up a finger to his forehead. "May I?"

He went cross eyed as he stared at my finger, "Sure?"

I touched my finger to his temple, projecting my thoughts into his, making him see my memories. I showed him all the schools I've been to, all the times people refused to talk to me and showing him my own ambitions before finally showing him his own memories that I saw.

I stepped back, my finger leaving his forehead and I blushed slightly. "I'm sorry for not asking before during your battle with Midoriya but I didn't know what you did to him."

"You... you're like me?"

I nodded. "I can enter people's minds, alter their memories, make new ones, make them see things that's not there and make them go insane. Everyone was always afraid of me, thinking I'll enter their mind and make them crazy. They thought I would be a villain too but I've always wanted to be a hero."

He frowned. "You know how my Quirk works, how are you talking to me without hesitation?"

"I know you won't use it on me with mal intentions Shinso. I trust you." I held out my pinky, "And I promise you that I won't get inside your head again, at least not without your consent. I shouldn't have done that in the first place." I mumbled.

He wrapped his pinky around mine, his huge compared to mine. "I trust you too."

I gave him a smile. "You'll make a good hero one day."

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