Sirius Black| Age

45 1 0

I followed my best friend down a dim, dingy hallway lined with portraits. All of the people in the portraits looked related, having the same dark hair and dark eyes and handsome features. It seemed to be a family trait. Although there was a few with grey eyes instead of black.

One portrait was covered by a black sheet and I was tempted to uncover it but I decided against it. It must be one ugly portrait to be covered up like that.

We had almost made it to the end of the hallway when I tripped. I heard Tonks laughing above me, "Oh I forgot to mention it but there's a troll's foot umbrella holder. It trips everyone."

"Glad you finally mentioned it." I said before finally pushing myself off the floor. "Stupid troll's foot." I muttered as I followed Tonks.

"This is Olympia Jones." Tonks said as she gestured to me. I felt my roots turn red at the mention of my first name.

"But you can call me Jones." I elbowed Tonks sharply in the ribs before I sat down.

"It's nice to meet you Jones." A man offered his hand, "I'm Kingsley."

"Introductions can be made after, we have important business to talk about now." Moody said in a gruff voice.

"Of course."
I followed Tonks downstairs to the kitchen where Molly Weasley had started making dinner. "So that was him?"

"That was who?" Her hair started to turn pink as she realized who I was talking about. "Oh, yes."

"Careful now Tonks, your hair will give you away." I laughed as she tried swatting me.

"I don't suppose I could get by you two." There was a slightly rough voice behind us and I turned to see a man. His grey eyes and black hair marked him as a Black so he must've been Sirius Black. He was... handsome.

I could feel my hair changing colors along with my mood and I averted my eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Careful now Jones, your hair will give you away." Tonks muttered in a high falsetto, mocking me.

I stuck my tongue out at her before shoving her away and sitting down.

"So Jones, I don't think we've had a proper introduction. I'm Sirius Black." He held out his hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." I willed my hair to stay its shade of indigo as I shook his hand. He really was handsome even after all his time in Azkaban.

I decided to mess with him, just to see what his reaction would be. I willed my features to mirror his and I saw his eyes widen.

"A Metamorphmagus." He looked between me and Tonks. "Wow, I really am handsome." Laughter danced in his eyes and I grinned, sending Sirius a wink before reverting back to myself and joined Tonks in a conversation with Kingsley.
"Be careful going back to the Leaky Cauldron." Tonks said before disapparating.

"The Leaky Cauldron?"

I jumped before turning around to face Sirius. "That's where I've been staying. I don't want to put my parents in danger." At Sirius's confused look I shrugged, "Muggles."

"Tonks didn't mention you were a muggleborn."

"Yeah well, Tonks doesn't mention a lot of things. Like that stupid troll's foot!" I glared at the troll's foot down the hallway.

"Ah, I've kept meaning to move that."

I laughed. "Well I should go, I'll need to get there before Tom decides to try to rent out my room again."

I had almost opened the door whenever Sirius's voice stopped me, "You know you could stay here. We've got plenty of room and you wouldn't need to worry about paying for it."

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