Denki Kaminari| Training

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Rai Ito: A second year UA student. Goes by they/them.

Quirk: Electrification

Age: 16, almost 17
I scrunched my face up as I watched one of the first year hero classes train. They were still getting the hang of their Quirks, a few of them showing an exceptional control of their Quirk already. Except for a certain blond.

"Yo, Mr. Aizawa!" I jogged up to their teacher who was overseeing their training.

"Ah, Ito. What a pleasure." There was sarcasm underlying his tone which I chose to ignore.

"The blond one, we have the same Quirk don't we?" I tilted my chin towards the boy I was talking about in particular. He seemed about average height with spiky blond hair with a black streak through it. Sweat was pouring down his face as he threw his hands out, arcs of electricity shooting out everywhere. I could tell his was reaching his limit.

"Isn't it obvious?" Aizawa drawled out.

"Can I help him?"

Aizawa looked down at me, his dark, unblinking eyes seemed devoid of any emotion. Not a lot of people can scare me but Aizawa can. "Yeah, sure. I don't care."

I slung my bag off my shoulder before unbuttoning my jacket and taking it off. "Oi! Blond Energizer Bunny!"

The boy looked up, a dazed look in his eyes before they widened and became very focused. "Me?" He pointed to himself.

I nodded. "What's your limit?"

He blinked, trying to comprehend what I was asking before a light lit up in his eyes. "Oh! 1.3 million volts right now." He looked embarrassed as he told me his limit, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay." I backed up a little, careful to not be around any innocent person. "Shock me with it."

"What? No!" The blond boy looked distraught.

"Trust me, I can take it." I widened my stance a little bit and widened my arms, "Shock me."

He frowned and looked over to Aizawa who I saw give him a nod. The blond sighed before electricity started to ripple off his body before going everywhere, most of it focused near me.

It felt like a tickle as I absorbed it with my own electricity, adding to it and creating a ball of electricity in my hands.

"See what practice can get ya?" I grinned before turning and throwing the ball of electricity to a tree which cracked, the inside of it starting to smoke.

I turned back to see Energizer Bunny staring at me with his mouth wide open. "I can help you if you want it."

He blinked, "Who are you?"

I laughed. "I'm you but stronger." I gave him a wink before getting my shit and leaving.
"Hey! Hey crazy chick who can blast trees open with electricity!"

I sighed before turning around to see the first year Energizer Bunny. "First of all, I'm not a "chick." Second of all, what do you want?"

He stopped in front of me, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I, uh, I wanted to ask if you'd help me." He scratched the back of his head, "If you'd want to, of course."

I stared at him, seeing if he would be a slacker or not. His golden eyes seemed earnest enough. "Sure. Find me once school ends and we'll get started."
"Aight Energizer Bunny, show me what you can do and we'll go from there."

Our jackets were tossed carelessly across the training ground along with our shit as we heard the causal yells from students who were leaving the school. Energizer Bunny had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as sweat plastered his blond hair against his forehead. It was unfairly hot out.

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