Sasuke Uchiha| Siren* pt.2

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Warning: Some language and violence

It didn't take us long to leave the little town we were in, planning on going to the hideouts that Jugo had learned the locations of. Sasuke wasn't worried about our trackers since he said they were from Konoha. I knew it was Naruto, as always.

We followed Sasuke to the first of those hideouts, him telling us to stay outside until he sees what's inside. Which is exactly what we did.

It wasn't long before Karin said she sensed another chakra, all of us entering the hideout without Sasuke's signal.

"What're you doing here?" Sasuke asked as we met up with him. I looked up, watching the feathers of Itachi's clone fall. Honestly, I probably could tell Sasuke about everything that was going to happen but that would put me on his radar as being someone who could be dangerous. Plus I didn't think I'll be in this world for much longer before going back to my own where Naruto is just an anime and manga. Fiction.

"Karin said she sensed another chakra so we came." Suigetsu answered.

"Follow me. I know where Itachi's location is."
Sasuke had entrusted me with Jugo as we headed towards Itachi's location. I clung to Jugo's back as he piggybacked me easily while we took to the treetops. We had already been met by Naruto's shadow clone which meant Naruto would soon be on our heels.

We stopped as Kisame intercepted us, telling us only Sasuke is allowed after this point but the rest of us were welcome to wait here.

"That's fine by me." Sasuke said, just as he was about to leave.

I couldn't help but tighten my grip on Jugo's shoulder before dropping down.

"Sasuke!" I made my way to him.

"What?" I could see it in his eyes, he was anxious.

"Be careful." I gave him a small smile. It wasn't much. I knew how this ended but I still felt the need to tell him anyways.

He didn't say anything, just nodded before running off.

I ignored Suigetsu who wanted to fight Kisame. I knew they wouldn't. How long would I have to wait for Sasuke to come back? I knew the battle with his brother spanned a lot of episodes but I didn't know how long it actually would take. A couple hours? A day including his recovery time with Obito? How long?

"Stop pacing, you're making me nervous." Karin snapped and I sighed.

"I'm nervous. I'm sure you are too without my pacing. Especially with your little crush on Sasuke."

Her face immediately turned red. "Wh-what?" She spluttered. "Wh-what about your crush on Sasuke? I see the way you cling to him! And Jugo! What're you playing at?" She tried turning it around on me.

"I'm not a ninja! I can't use my chakra and I have virtually no stamina! They have to carry me unless you want me to hold everyone back!"

"You are useless! I don't even see why Sasuke keeps you since you do hold us back."

This was nothing new to me. This was all things I've already thought and told myself. But I needed Sasuke to survive in this world. At least until I've found out why I'm here and how to get back.

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