Soul Eater Evans| Halloween

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My eyes slid over the gathered teenagers of the DWMA, all dancing in their Halloween costumes. They seemed to be having a good, carefree time, not knowing that there was an interloper amongst them.

They wouldn't find anything odd. I have the soul of a weapon but of course, the soul can reveal much of what a person is. I know what mine looks and feels like. It isn't the nicest.

I tapped my finger against my glass in time to the beat of the music as I leaned against a wall. It gave me a prime view of the entrance so I knew who was coming and going. Of course sometimes it was hard to know who was who with the costumes.

My spine straightened as a soul brushed up against my senses. It felt familiar. But I couldn't remember where I had felt it before. I frowned as I took a sip of my drink. For all of DWMA's faults, they could make a good Halloween punch.

A group walked in together, each of them dressed as something different. They were obviously friends by how they acted so casual and in tune with each other. A group of meisters and their weapons.

I carefully watched the one dressed as a werewolf, a pair of grey ears sticking up from his white, spiky hair. He was wearing one of the store werewolf costumes with the plaid shirt with fake fur sticking out from the collar. He had his hands stuffed in the pockets off his ripped blue jeans as the girl next to him, dressed as a witch, argued with a boy dressed as a zombie. The witch and zombie obviously was not partners, their souls was clash and nothing good would happen.

My eyes roamed the rest of the group before stopping on a vampire. He was Death the Kid, the son of Death. He kept straightening his cape. If I was going to make it through the night and try to get any information for my master then it would be best if I avoided him.

The group has spread out and I kept my eyes on the werewolf. He seemed the most chill. I sidled up next to him as he poured himself some punch. He sighed as he turned and leaned against the table, his eyes surveying the room.

"Not cool enough for you?" I questioned as I refilled my cup. This Halloween punch could be addictive. I stared at the green liquid that shook a little in the bowl from everyone moving in the room. What was in it?

"This is cool, I just wish it was... I don't know, scarier I guess? I was forced to come here instead of a haunted house. So not cool." He muttered.

I laughed. "It has been pretty boring so far. The punch is pretty good though. Addictive really."

His crimson eyes glanced at me, "I don't recognize you. Are you new?"

I nodded as I took a sip of my punch. "Yeah. I'm Circe." I held out my hand.

"Soul." When his hand grasped mine, I couldn't help but gasp. His soul was the one I had felt earlier. The one that feels so familiar.

We had lapsed into silence as we let go. I couldn't tell if he felt it too. He seemed so impassive.


"So-" We started at the same time and I giggled. "You go ahead Soul. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"So not cool." He muttered. "Do you want to do something? Dance? Leave?"

I glanced around, knowing I should stay to try to get information but honestly, what information would I get here? None.

"Yeah, let's go." I grabbed Soul's hand and almost ran outside. The moon was out bright, his creepy face smiling down on us as we stood outside the entrance to the school.

"What do we do now?"

I looked to Soul, "Something cool."

He grinned, "Hell yeah." We basically flew down the stairs, giggling as Soul's warm hand was wrapped around mine. I could afford to have this one night to myself.

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