Itachi Uchiha| Talk

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I peeked from behind the tree I was hiding behind as I watched a boy train. He seemed to be older than me and he had unusual eyes, just like me. I watched as he threw kunai at targets that the normal person wouldn't be able to see but he could. He was amazing.

"You can come out now. I won't hurt you." He stopped his training, not even looking at me as he said this.

"I-I'm sorry." I shyly walked out from the tree, slowly walking towards the boy.

He finally turned to me, his special eyes gone, replaced by dark eyes. He gave me a smile as he returned his kunai to his pouch, "It's fine, Hyuga princess."

My eyes widened as I felt warmth rush to my cheeks. I was used to people from my clan calling me and my sister this but I wasn't used to other people calling me that.

"Y-yes. I-I'm Haruhi H-Hyuga."

His smile seemed to widen. "Spring day. It would only make sense that we meet during the spring. I'm Itachi Uchiha."

I didn't know much about the clans of the village since I would much rather be outside than indoors with my tutor. But I knew the Uchihas. They had special eyes just like my clan. Just like me.

"N-nice to meet you." I couldn't help but feel shy around Itachi. I didn't have many friends besides my sister and cousin. My family didn't allow me in the village often to make friends.

"Nice to meet you too. You're going to be starting at the academy soon, aren't you?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to respond verbally.

"My little brother will be too. Hopefully you will be in the same class and be friends. His name is Sasuke."

"S-Sasuke. Does he have your eyes too?"

Itachi laughed. "Eventually he will have my eyes. But hopefully not for a long time. If he's lucky, he could go the majority of his life without them."

"Really? Ca-Can I see them again?"

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them. His dark eyes were no longer dark but a bright red with a dark pattern. I wish I could touch them.

"Wow. So pretty." I stepped closer to him as he stooped down, reaching up to touch his face as I stared at his eyes.

He laughed again. "Your eyes are pretty too, Haruhi."

I felt my cheeks warm once again. "Th-thank you."
I hid behind a tree again, watching as Itachi trained again.

"I know you're there Haruhi. You don't have to hide." Itachi called out as he once again put his kunai away.

"I-I didn't want to distract you from your training. Neji gets mad at me if I try to talk to him while he's training. He tells me I should be training too."

Itachi's eyebrow went up. "Is that why you're here? Because you're skipping out on training?"

I frowned as I looked down, kicking at the ground. "Papa makes me train against my sister. I don't like hurting her so I miss her chakra points on purpose. He thinks I'm weak so he focuses most of the training on her instead. He sends me to a tutor but I'd much rather be out here."

Itachi's smile seemed to dim a little bit. "Do you like training?"

I shrugged. "I guess. I just don't want to see my sister in pain."

"You never want to see your siblings in pain." Itachi was silent for a moment before looking at me, "How would you like it if I trained you?"

My eyes widened. "Really? You really would?"

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