Shota Aizawa| Time Travel

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Aki Takahashi: Identifies as non-binary. They're a first year hero student at UA in Shota Aizawa's homeroom where it seems he keeps a secret concerning Aki. Their hero name is Blockade.

Quirk: Barrier. They can create barriers around anything and move it however they want.

Age: 16
I leaned my chair back on its back legs as Mr. Aizawa taught, not really paying attention as he spoke. Since I started at UA, my homeroom teacher had always wanted to avoid me for some reason which I never understood. It wasn't like I did anything to him. And Present Mic also acted skittish around me. It's like they knew something I didn't. 

I sighed as the bell rang and joined my classmates to leave.

"Takahashi." I looked back at my teacher who had trouble meeting my eyes.

"Yes Mr. Aizawa?"

"Be careful during your internship. As I'm sure you can tell but villains don't hold back. And be wary of their Quirks."

I frowned at his warning, having already heard something similar many times since being admitted in the hero course.

"I know Mr. Aizawa. See ya." I gave him a salute before stepping out of the classroom.
I looked up at the building which was Edgeshot's agency. He was the pro hero I decided to intern under and quite frankly, I was excited to meet him.

I pushed through the doors, air conditioning kissing my skin as Edgeshot greeted me.

"Aki Takahashi I presume." He gave me a short bow.

"You presume correctly. It's nice to meet you." I held my hand out to him and his eyes flicked down to my hand before finally shaking it.

"You as well. I should show you where you'll be staying so we can get to patrolling soon."

The familiar adrenaline rush filled my veins at the thought of patrol. I grinned as I followed him, "Amazing."
I followed Edgeshot through the streets where he would occasionally stop for a fan. It was a slow evening and I didn't like it. I wanted action and the familiar rush of adrenaline.

I heard a chuckle from beside me and I turned to see Edgeshot watching me. "You're restless. Do you really want a villain attack that bad?"

My face flushed as I rubbed the back of my neck, "N-no?"

There was screams and my heart rate peaked, energy flooding me as I took off running, my mentor alongside me.

"You know what to do."

I nodded as I sprinted away from him, erecting barriers as I helped evacuate civilians from the scene. It seemed to be a group of villains with at least two hostages that I could see.

"Please get behind my barrier!" Terrified looking civilians ran by me as screams and children's wails filled the air.

"Blockade! Watch out!"

I turned at the sound of my mentor's voice, a villain staring right at me as he lifted his hand. A black light shot out from his palm, hitting me and I felt weightless. It was as if I was floating through time and space just for a second. Then I blacked out.
I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. They watered as harsh sunlight glared down upon me. I sat up, wiping the tears from my cheeks as I looked around.

I furrowed my eyebrows, why was it sunny? Where was Edgeshot and the villains? And most importantly, where was I?

I placed my palms on the rough sidewalk beneath me, pushing myself up and dusted myself off as I garnered some weird looks from passerby. What happened to me?

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