Tamaki Amajiki| Sunflowers

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Hayami Kendo: She is the big sister of Itsuka Kendo who is in class 1-B. Hayami has had a crush on Amajiki ever since she can remember. Her hero name is Iron Fist.

Quirk: Big Fist

Age: 18
I skipped along ahead of my mentor and comrades, humming to myself contently.

"What's she so happy about?" Fat Gum asked as he ate something one of the street vendors gave him.

I turned around, walking backwards as Kirishima spoke up. "I think she got to talk to her crush a lot today." He smirked a little, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Is there something I should know about?" Fat Gum looked down at me, raising a blonde eyebrow.

I thought for a moment, "You're hot whenever you're skinny."

He opened his mouth before closing it. "Thanks but that's not what I wanted to know." He frowned, "Am I not hot like this too?"

I patted his belly, "You are. You have all the ladies swooning over you. Suneater too." I discretely watched Amajiki from the corner of my eye to see his reaction. He lowered his hood over his face. I laughed a little, "But no, I don't have a crush. Red Riot just likes insinuating things."

"Uh huh sure. I have definite proof you like Su-" I launched myself at him, covering his mouth.

"I just said I don't like anyone." I hissed.

His eyes widened and he held up his hands, "Alright, alright you don't like anyone. Jeez, sometimes you can be scarier than Bakugou."

I thought about the hotheaded first year that I watched during the UA Sports Festival. I grinned, "I'll take that as a compliment."

Fat Gum stared down at me. "We are going to have a talk later missy. A very long talk."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Alright dad." I threw in as much sarcasm as I could.
Fat Gum stared at me from behind his desk, his fingers steepled in front of him. "So you still haven't told Tamaki."

I shook my head, "I can't Fat. I've known him for years and he's not as comfortable around me as he is Mirio. I'm pretty sure that he likes Nejire too." I frowned as I thought about them two. "It wouldn't be no use, he has other people he likes more."

"Maybe he does like you but gets so nervous that he can't function normally? Like he normally does?"

I shook my head, "He doesn't like me Fat. I need to go, see you."

I walked out of his office, surprised to see Amajiki waiting at the door. "Amajiki? What're you doing here?"

"I-I was waiting for you." He looked away.

"Oh. Thanks Amajiki but you could've went on ahead. I'm sure you're tired."

"I-it's fine."

We walked together in silence on our commute back to UA.

"So, are you excited for the School Festival? I heard it's going to be held in a couple of weeks." I messed with the skirt of my school uniform, not able to look at Amajiki.

"Y- yeah."

We were almost to our dorms and I knew as soon as I stepped foot in that building that I wouldn't be able to talk to Amajiki again.

"My little sister has decided to be in the pageant so I'm going to be helping her all day."

"T-that's nice. I wish her l-luck." As much as Amajiki has grown into himself after rescuing Eri, he still had a lot of anxiety about him.

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