Kuki Urie| Life's Too Short

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I blinked as the smell of half ghoul hits my nostrils. It was a very delicious smell. Of course I could never tell my subordinates that or else it would give my little secret away.

"Watanabe, what're you doing?"

I blinked before facing my fellow classmate and subordinate, Kuki Urie. I laughed nervously as I scratched the back of my head, "I was... smelling the air. Something smells delicious, don't you agree?"

Whenever I talked to Urie, he always has this look of distaste on his face. Almost as if he smelled something bad. And I knew why. He didn't like the fact that someone his age was of higher rank then him. He had always wanted to work his way up and fast. He was always looking for trouble to try to get recognition for his endeavors. So the fact that he had to see me everyday, co squad leader of the Quinx Squad alongside Haise Sasaki, made his blood boil.

"Sure, if that's what you want to call the smell of burning food." He wasn't doing a good job keeping his hate filled thoughts out of his eyes as he looked past me towards the door, "I'm going to go train."

"O-oh," I quickly moved out of his way, "don't stay out too late Urie. We're going to be out tomorrow on an investigation after a meeting so don't be late."

He grunted in response before slamming the door behind him and I held a hand out before lowering it with a sigh.

"It's okay Himitsu. He's just... a little out of it." I could hear the soft smile on Haise's face as he spoke, trying to comfort me.

"I know he doesn't like me Haise but couldn't he be a little more civil? Especially towards his other teammates? They've done nothing to him." I lowered my head, knowing that if my squad ever found out my secret, Urie would gladly be the one to kill me. He'd probably do it with a smile on his face.

"You've also done nothing wrong to him. Now come on, I made unagi."

I know Haise was just trying to be thoughtful and cheer me up but the thought of trying to eat made my whole body hurt. But I had to shove down the pain, knowing I would go outside and throw it up later when everyone was asleep.
I had been sitting on the couch, reading one of Sen Takatsuki's books as I waited for Urie to come back to the chateau. I sniffed, the familiar scent of Urie coming closer. Each person in the Quinx Squad had a special scent but I had always found Urie's most pleasant with Shirazu's a close second. Knowing their scents helped with keeping track of them during battle and helping them out.

The door creaked open as Urie soundlessly stepped over the threshold.

"I told you to not be out late Urie." I gently laid my book down as I kept my voice low, not wanting to disturb the others.

"What are you, my mother?" Normally I would leave him alone but it's gotten out of hand.

"Listen we need to talk." I stood up, grabbing his arm before he could go upstairs. "You also should eat some of the leftovers. I'm almost certain you haven't ate all day."

Urie made a 'tch' as he jerked himself out of my grasp. "There's nothing we need to talk about."

"Yes there is. I know what I'm going to say is gonna fall on deaf ears but I need to say it anyways. You need to treat us with a little more respect. And I'm not talking about just me and Haise but your teammates as well. We're supposed to know and trust each other Urie. We're supposed to know we can depend on each other to have our backs during battle. But you're not giving any of us that and Shirazu still blindly follows you. You're squad captain so act like it Urie."

Urie stared at me before his mouth quirked up at the corner. He leaned towards me, making me back up until I was cornered between him and the couch. "I'm squad captain so stay out of it. You guys are only stepping stones on my way up and I will not hesitate stepping on you to get promoted."

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