Ben Solo| Soulmates

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[Modern, Soulmate AU]


I looked down at my arm with a smile and wrote back, "Hey."

What're you doing up already?

I gave a little snort, "I could ask you the same thing."

I asked first.

I looked at the book that was laying face down on my desk, "Reading."

What're you reading?

"The Secret Garden."


"Yes, don't judge me."

I could never.

I sighed, I wish I could meet whoever was writing me back. My soulmate. That's a weird concept, having a soulmate. It's like the universe picked out a person from a bunch and said "Here, you two are compatible, I hope you meet one day." And that's it. The universe doesn't care if you two meet but it does help you out by letting you communicate.

"So you never told me why you were up?"

Couldn't sleep.

"Something wrong?" I stared down at my arm, waiting for a response that didn't seem like it was coming. I went back to reading and I felt my arm burn and looked down.


I knew my soulmate well enough to know that he wasn't going to talk anymore tonight.
I doodled on the front of my arm as my teacher lectured us. I felt a burning on the back my arm and I turned it over to see my soulmate's writing, Bored?

"Yes. My teacher is so boring."

So is mine.

I didn't know much about my soulmate, like his name or where he's from but we talked about other things, our likes and dislikes or how boring school is.

"We should give each other nicknames."


"I don't know, it could be fun."

Ok then... I wanna be called Kylo Ren.

I let out a little laugh, "Kylo Ren?"

Yes, do you have a problem with that?

I let out another laugh as I tried not to smile, "No, not at all Kylo."

What do you want to be?

I thought about it for a moment before writing something down, "Rey."

Rey? Like a Death Ray?

"Or a ray of sunshine."

You're my Rey of sunshine

I felt my cheeks heat up, "Cheeseball."

I'm your cheeseball.

I rolled my eyes at that and decided to pay attention to the teacher but I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.
I paused as I walked passed a cork board in the hallway. There was a flier up for a local band that was going to be playing tonight at Mos Eisley Cantina. I ruffled though my bag to find a pen and on the back of my hand, wrote down the time and place so I wouldn't forget before leaving.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out as I walked home, my best friend Finn texting me, "Guess who's playing at the Cantina tonight?"

I rolled my eyes before texting him back, "I already know Finn, I just saw the flier. Are you going to be there?"

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