Eddie Munson| Comfortable

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I sighed as I sat next to my twin brother during lunch, his girlfriend sitting across from him. They were making moon eyes at each other and I had to avoid rolling my eyes. It was so gross seeing them like this.

Of course I'm happy for them to be so happy together but they didn't have to show off in front of everyone how happy they are. It makes the rest of us uncomfortable.

I glanced around the room, seeing everyone talking as they ate. It was so odd how we form groups and never leave them. And it was fully displayed here, in the lunchroom.

"God, I can't stand that freak. Look at him, with all his freaky friends. Makes me disgusted." My brother spit out as he looked over at Eddie "The Freak" Munson's table.

Eddie laughed at something one of his friends said, the whole table busting out laughing.

Sure, he may be a freak but at least he was a happy freak. That's more than a lot of us can say.
I glanced around before opening a door to an empty classroom. I had never liked changing for cheer practice in the locker room or changing in the bathroom because you never knew who would come in. I didn't like people staring at me while I was changing.

There was some props set up a table and I ignored them. The theater kids really just leave their props everywhere.

I grabbed the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my head. I also didn't want people seeing the tattoo that I kept carefully hidden by my shirts and cheer uniform top. My family would freak if they saw it.

I shimmed out of my pants, pulling my skirt on before trying to find my top. I knew I put it in my bag. I shoved books around, trying to find it.

"You know, I appreciate the show and everything, but you do know this classroom is reserved, right?"

I fumbled with my bag as I turned around, holding the bag to my chest to try to save even a shred of dignity.

Eddie Munson had a grin on his face as he watched me from where he leaned against the door hole. "Aw, is the show over already?"

"What do you want?" The word freak came into my head but I didn't say it. I would not be one of those lowlives who would call people freaks.

"I think I should be the one asking you that. Since you are in the room we use for our D&D campaigns." His grin never faltered as he strolled into the room, shutting the door behind him. "You should be glad it's only just me. Imagine if everyone in Hellfire were to see you shirtless. Everyone would know about it by tomorrow. But don't worry, I'll keep it a little secret between us." He winked at me as he started moving stuff around on the table.

What I had mistaken for theater props were actually the props he used for his campaigns.

"Um... can you turn around for a second? While I find my top?" I shifted awkwardly as Eddie looked up from the props.

"Yeah, of course." He turned around, clasping his hands behind his back as he started whistling something. I couldn't recognize the song.

I quickly started rustling through my bag again, occasionally glancing up to make sure Eddie was still turned around.

"So uh, what exactly is D&D? It's a board game, right?" I still couldn't find my top.

"It is not a board game." Eddie didn't sound mad, he just sounded annoyed but that quickly went away. I turned around, placing my bag on a table to continue searching for my uniform top. "It's a fantasy table top RPG."

I paused for a second, my eyebrows knit in confusion. "RPG?"

I heard him sigh, "Roleplaying game."

"Oh. So what do you do?" I finally found my top, jerking it out of my bag.

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