Reiner Braun| My Hero

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I was tense as Shadis made his rounds. I knew how this worked, my brothers went through this before and told me all about. Shadis went through, picking out people who didn't seem to belong, who didn't seem to have a backbone and called them out in front of everyone. He would do anything to break our spirits so only the best was left. At one point, Shadis was the best.

I was afraid he would see the fear in my eyes. I didn't want him to call me out. I didn't want to be the laughing stock. Not yet.

He paused, examining the blond beside me before moving on. I straightened, looking straight ahead of me as I tried to steel my nerves. I only had this one chance to make a good impression.

Shadis stopped in front of me as he tried to make me break with his soulless stare. He let out a laugh, "I can recognize those eyes from anywhere. Another from the Agnar bunch huh?"

"Yes sir! I'm Kelsey Agnar from Krolva District!" My heart thumped in my chest as I stared into his sunken eyes.

His eyes crinkled, "I expect a lot from you Agnar. Live up to your brothers reputations."

I let out a deep breath I had been holding in as he continued down the line of cadets and I glanced to the boy beside of me who was glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

I gave him a small smile before looking straight again, a feeling of proudness filling me as Shadis held my brothers in such a high light. They were the pride and joy of my town.
The proud feeling didn't last long as the grueling training commenced. I don't see how they did it, how did my brothers survive this?

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked up at the deep voice as I slipped in mud, a pack weighing me down as we ran through the woods in rain. It was the blond boy who stood next to me that first day.

I gave him a smile as I got back up, shouldering my pack, "Yeah. See ya!" I took off at a careful trot, hearing the blond chuckle behind me before I heard him come up beside me. He kept up with me easily.

"You know you don't have to stay beside me. I can do this just fine. I don't need a hero." I grimaced as I almost fell again.

"I know. I'm just taking my time." I looked up to see him look down at me with a smile.

I huffed before speeding up, trying to finish before the blond who's name I didn't even know.
I frowned as I looked over my partners shoulder to watch the blond spar. For such a big, bulky body you'd think he'd be able to defeat Mikasa easily just by weight alone. But she was good. Very good.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I dodged to the right before going into a roll. I came up behind my partner and kicked their legs out before pinning them.

"Argh! How'd you do that? I was for sure I had you beat. You weren't even paying attention."

"Instincts and a lot of time of defending myself from my brothers." I got off them and offered a hand to them.

"Do you mind if I go spar with someone else?" They shook their head and I turned, going for the blond who was still on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" I crouched down to his level, offering him a smile.

"Uh? Oh, yeah." He gave me a smile as he tried to awkwardly get up.

"Here, let me help you." I grabbed his hand, hauling him up.

"That's some grip you got on you." He flexed his fingers after I let go and I blushed as I looked away.

"I was the champion arm wrestler in my town. I could even beat my brothers."

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