Kíli| Starlight

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I looked up from one of the dwarves that I was unarming at the sound of my name to see Tauriel with another dwarf, a dark haired one who didn't really put you in mind of a dwarf, "Yes Tauriel?"

"Finish checking this one. He's... unusual."

I nodded and swiftly traded with her. I checked him but it didn't seem he had any weapons. I frowned, "Have you no weapons dwarf?"

He shook his head, "I asked the other lady elf but she wouldn't give me one."

I shook my head as I forced him into line with the other dwarves, muttering, "How did you survive so long?"

He shrugged, sending a small smile my way, "Luck I suppose."

I stayed near him while we marched them back to the palace. He was kind, not like all the stories I've heard. He even asked if I was alright when I was so distracted that I ended up tripping which was very unlike an elf.

I heard Legolas, who was at the back of the group, call out, "Close the gate." In elvish.

We marched them to the cells where we keep our prisoners and all I heard was the outraged cries from all the dwarves except mine. I watched as my fellow elf took another knife from one of the dwarves, a blond one who was tall too. For a dwarf.

"Aren't you going to search me?" Mine said, looking up at me, "I could have anything down my trousers."

I had to stifle a laugh at that, a small smile on my face, "Or nothing." I closed the door and left, but not before I heard him let out a little laugh.

"Why does the dwarf stare at you, Morwen?" Legolas asked.

"Who can say?" I smiled, "He's quite tall for a dwarf. Don't you think?"

I walked away as Legolas called out, "Taller then some... but no less ugly."

I rolled my eyes at that. He was quite handsome actually. I've always thought that dwarves were these monstrous beasts, quite like orcs, only shorter. But of all the dwarves I've seen, some were beautiful.
I snuck back down to the prisoners, treading as silently as I could. I had comforted Tauriel after hearing the king's words to her but I was wrong to do so for she, like me, has captured the attention of a dwarf. The blond one with the many weapons.

I stopped at the cell of Kíli, nephew of Thorin as I have found out and he was tossing up a stone, playing with it, "The stone in your hand, what is it?"

Kíli looked up at me, a distrustful look in his eyes and I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't trust the person who locked me up either, "It is a talisman. It has a powerful spell upon it and if anyone but a dwarf reads its runes, they will be forever cursed." He moved towards me, quickly with the stone held out.

I jumped back and after staring at him for a second I decided to leave, he obviously did not want me there. I went to leave but his voice stopped me, "Or not." I looked back at him and he held the stone up again, "Depending on whether or not you believe in that kind of thing." He laughed, "It's just a token."

I smiled a little and he ran his hand over it, "The runestone. My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise."

"What promise?" I moved closer to the door so I could see him better.

"That I would come back to her. She worries. She thinks I'm reckless."

"Are you?"

He smiled and shook his head, "Nah." He tossed the stone up and it dropped out of the cell, past the door and would've been gone had I not stopped it with my foot. I picked it up, examining the smooth stone with runes etched into it as I heard some shouts from some elves.

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