Charlie Weasley| Worry

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I held my head up high as I joined the rest of the first years in the Great Hall, waiting for our names to be called out. There were two redheads behind me that would not shut up, causing those around us to snicker.

I already knew who they were. The Weasleys were a family that my father has told me and Draco all about and his disdain towards them and how they treated their Pureblood status.

But I did my best to ignore them. I knew that as soon as I heard my name called, I wouldn't have to listen to them no more. And if I'm lucky, they'll get kicked out before the week is over.

"Malfoy, Scylla!"

I titled my chin up as I made my up to the grimy stool that held an equally grimy hat. I can't believe I'm letting them put a hat on me that's been on who knows how many disgusting heads. I shivered at that thought, how many Mudbloods had this hat been on?

"Oh," the hat's low voice said. "A Malfoy. It's been awhile since I've last been on a Malfoy's head. I sense... much change in you. Change and a will to bring that change. What is it that bothers you so much?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, filthy hat." I said in disgust.

The hat chuckled. "There's also much rage inside you. A rage that will continue to build up overtime until you finally snap. Hmmm... where could I put you? What to do, what to do?"

"There's only one correct choice here," I muttered, "and if you don't put me in Slytherin then I will burn you. They'll have to find another talking hat."

"Well then, there's only one thing to do. It will be Slytherin!" The hat called out, the table filled with green ties cheering as the disgusting hat was lifted off me.

I didn't bother smiling or anything as I got up. I glanced quickly towards the other tables and grimaced as I saw another redhead. It had to be a Weasley.
I followed the prefects to the Slytherin common room, where they then directed us to the dorms. There were charms on the dorms to keep the opposite sex out, besides the professors or Headmaster, if they needed to go into them which I wouldn't know why they would need to.

I followed the rest of the Slytherin girls, there weren't many of us, to where our dorms are. As soon as I reached the door, it flew shut in my face and I frowned as I reached out to the doorknob to open it.

"Bloody hell!" I yelped as the doorknob burned my hand, making me leap back as I shook my hand, trying to get it to stop throbing.

"Mr. Malfoy." There was a low voice behind me and I blinked.

I had never been called "mister" before. All the house elves and dad's coworkers call me "miss" which I had never felt suited me. But mister... that felt right.

"Yes, professor Snape?" I asked as I turned around, trying to not let my embarrassment show at not being allowed into the dorm.

"You're obviously not allowed into the girls dorm. I'm going to have to ask you to leave this corridor to go to your dorm. All your luggage has been sent to the boys dorm, where you should be."

"O-of course, professor." I hurried out of there, my embarrassment no longer able to be contained as my face burned.

Of course, I had never mentioned how I felt around my family. I never mentioned the fact I despised the way the house elves called me mistress or miss, or the clothes my parents bought me, or the way they had me style my hair in braids. I thought everyone felt that like but kept it to themselves.

But maybe... maybe this could be the start of something new for me. Something better.
I couldn't help but frown as I followed my father and brother to our box for the Quidditch World Cup. We were invited to sit with the Minister of Magic which is something that my father and Draco reveled in. I just didn't want to be here. I could've thought of a million things better than being with my father, surrounded by hundreds or thousands of screaming people.

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