Kazuma Sohma| Dojo

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When our neighborhood dojo closed, I was sad. Granted, I was twenty and hardly had the same amount of time to go as I did when I was younger.

But I had to walk my younger brother to the new dojo that our old master recommended. I also had half a mind to spar with the new master to see if he was as good as people say he is.

"Do you think Master Sohma will be as good as our old master?" My younger brother asked as we made our way to the new dojo. My brother was fourteen years younger than me so he was just a beginner in the martial arts. He had a long way to go to catch up to me.

"I think so. But we'll have to wait and see." I smiled down at my brother as we walked into the dojo and was greeted by someone who looked the same age as me. Must be another student.

"Could you tell me where Master Sohma is?" I asked the brown haired man. He was very tall and that was kinda intimidating. He must be very good.

"Oh, you don't have to call me Master. Just call me Kazuma." The man smiled kindly at us and I felt my eyes widen in surprise. This man who had to be the same age as me was already the master of a dojo? How?

"A-ah, okay. Um, thank you Kazuma for accepting my brother into your dojo." I bowed, forcing my brother to bow with me.

"Of course! We always accept new students." Kazuma eyed me, "Are you a student as well?"

"Ah," I rubbed the back of my neck, "I used to practice when I was younger but I haven't had time since I graduated and started college. I'm sure I'm a little rusty."

Kazuma guided us into a room filled with other people who all looked younger than me. "Well how about a demonstration for everyone else?"

"Against you?"

He nodded and I let my brother join the others as I prepared myself to go against Kazuma. He looks young but I wasn't going to assume that his age meant he wasn't good. Never underestimate your opponent.

Kazuma quickly proved to be more than competent when it came to the martial arts. I would dare say he was better than our old master.

I huffed as I graciously lost, bowing to Kazuma as his students watched us spar.

"Your master has taught you well." Kazuma said as he bowed back. "You're one of the best that I've sparred against."

I blushed at the compliment. "That would be almost fifteen years worth of training. I'm sure my master would blush at the compliment."

Kazuma let out a little laugh, "Well you'll be welcome here anytime for training."

I bowed once again, "Thank you."
Over the next several years, I walked my brother to and from Kazuma's dojo and every time I saw the martial arts master, I couldn't help but admire him. He always had a smile on his face and spoke so softly to everyone. I don't think I ever saw him mad or upset. And every time I saw him, I was reminded of how handsome he was. I will admit, I think I have a small crush on Kazuma Sohma.

And imagine my surprise when he introduced me to one of my brother's sparring mates, Kyo, who is also Kazuma's adopted son. A son. He has a whole son. A whole child that is the same age as my brother.

Kyo didn't seem to be too fond of me when he met me, not even allowing me the time to greet him.

Kazuma gave me a sad smile as I watched my brother go after Kyo. "I'm sorry about him. He's... had a rough life."

I could tell by the tone of his voice that Kazuma really loved Kyo as if he was his own biological son and not just adopted. And I liked that. "It's fine. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, especially someone as young as Kyo. They're very impressionable when they're so young and even little things can make a big impact on them."

Kazuma nodded, "Exactly."
As my brother became older and could walk himself to the dojo, I gradually stopped seeing Kazuma. There was nothing I could do about it since I had a job and my brother was old enough to take care of himself. Sometimes I would think I would see Kazuma but it would always turn out to be some random man. So I occasionally thought about Kazuma and hoped him and Kyo were doing well.
As I listened to Mayu talk about her class, I perked up when she mentioned a Kyo Sohma.

"Kyo Sohma? Does he have orange hair?" If it was the Kyo Sohma I was thinking of then maybe I would be able to find out how him and Kazuma were doing.

Mayu sighed, as if remembering something unpleasant, "Yeah, that's tangerine head alright."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Since I became a teacher alongside of Mayu, we became very good friends. She normally didn't talk about her students unless something happened. Which made me wonder what Kyo did to earn the nickname tangerine head from Mayu. I heard Mayu mumble something about calling her a thug and I laughed again.
When I showed up to my parents house unannounced, they were over joyed. My little brother, however, was not. Especially when I kept trying to ask him questions regarding Kazuma and Kyo.

"What does it matter to you?"

I sighed, knowing that my brother would eventually grow out of his attitude but right now, it was a little annoying.

"I was just wanting to know since Kyo has enrolled in my school when he previously didn't go."

My brother shrugged, "Shihan has been on a sabbatical so I don't know anything about it."

I raised my eyebrow at that, "A sabbatical?"

My brother shrugged again, "For training I guess, I don't know."

I sighed before giving up on learning anymore about Kazuma and Kyo.
When I found out that Kyo was going to be playing the male lead in the Cinderella-ish play that Mayu's class was putting on, I couldn't help but laugh. From what I could tell about his personality that Mayu has described, he was quite possibly the worst person to play a prince.

I was going to watch it anyway. I couldn't wait to see how it was going to turn out.
Oh the play was wonderful. It was absolutely hilarious and I loved every second of it. And as I made my way to the stage to congratulate all of the students, I saw someone that I hadn't seen in years.

"Kazuma?" I asked as I made my way to the tall male.

He looked down at me for a second before recognition passed through his kind eyes. "Hello Emi."

Little has changed about Kazuma. He was still tall and handsome and still had kindness radiating from him. The only thing that changed was his hair was shorter.

"I assume you came to watch Kyo."

Kazuma nodded, however he seemed a little embarrassed. "Yes well, I didn't get here in time to actually watch the play."

I smiled at his embarrassment, "Well Kyo played an amazing prince. Hopefully I can find you a copy of it since one of our club's was supposed to film it."

"Oh that would be wonderful." He paused for a second, "Is your brother also here?"

I shook my head, "Ah, no. He's not in Mayu's class. I'm only here to support the students, even if they're not in my class."

Kazuma seemed like he was about to say something else when one of the students, Hanajima, came up. I could recognize the look in her eye as she stared up at Kazuma. She has a crush on him.

Kazuma laughed at something she said and when Kyo joined us, he panicked at seeing Hanajima with Kazuma. It seemed Kyo did not approve of Hanajima's crush on his dad.

I was ready to leave them be since they all seemed close to each other but Kazuma stopped me as Hanajima, Kyo and Tohru all gathered.

"I know it's been a while since we saw each other but I was wondering if..." Kazuma rubbed the back of his neck as he trailed off and I waited patiently to see what he wanted to say, "If you would like to come by the dojo for some tea?"

I blinked before a smile overtook my face, "I would love that."

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