Ginshi Shirazu| Nightmares

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I paused outside one of the wooden doors, identical to all the other doors inside the house. The floor creaked underneath my feet as I shifted my weight, turning to face the door as I listened to the sounds coming from behind it. It sounded like whimpers.

I knocked softly, "Shirazu?" When there wasn't any answer besides the noises of distress I opened the door slowly, hoping to not disturb anyone else in the house.

The room was dim, the only light provided by the street light as it peeked through the blinds. As my eyes adjusted I could see Shirazu's form as he moved around his bed, his chest heaving up and down as he breathed heavily. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as sweat ran down his face and I laid a hand on his arm, trying to wake him.


I whispered and he bolted up, "Pretty!"

I fell back, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched Shirazu look around, beads of sweat running down him as he gasped.

"Shirazu?" I reached out towards him and he buried his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I wrapped my arms around him, his warmth shocking me as he leaned into me, "What's wrong Shirazu?"

"It's nothing. You don't have to worry about it." He shook his head as he left my embrace.

I bit my lip as I stared at him, "Just because you're squad leader, that doesn't mean you can't tell me your problems. We're a team Shirazu, we need to trust each other."

He met my eyes before sighing, running a hand through his pale orange hair. "I keep having nightmares about that night. The night I killed Nutcracker. She said something as I killed her and I can't get it out of my head." He choked up and I reached over, holding his hand as he calmed down.

"She said "I want to be pretty." And that just showed me how much they're like humans. They have hopes and dreams. Families and feelings. She reminded me of my sister. All my sister wants is to be pretty." Tears welled up in his eyes and I hugged him, my shoulder becoming wet with his tears as his body shuddered.

"I know it's hard Shirazu. They're just trying to live, just like the rest of us. It probably won't get easier either. But you have to remember, it's either them or you. So you do what you have to to survive." I sighed as I rubbed his back, "It's unfair."

He continued to sob into my shoulder until he slowly drifted back off to sleep. I brushed his hair out of his face as I laid him down onto his bed, the zebra striped sheets soft underneath my fingers as I slid off his bed. He looked uncomfortable as I pulled his comforter on him and I felt bad leaving him but I knew there wasn't anything else I could do for him.

I flinched as I noticed a shape from the corner of my eye as I closed Shirazu's door closed behind me. "Oh Mr. Haise."

Our mentor smiled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He nodded towards Shirazu's room, "Nightmares?"

"Yeah." I hung my head, "I wish I could help him."

His smile turned softer, sadder, "Just being there for him is helping him. Let him know he's not alone in this. That's all anyone can do. Now," he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, "you should get some sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mr. Haise." I watched as he left down the hallway before going to my room.

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