Izuku Midorya| Traitor pt.3

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Ophelia Rogers: She was born in America to an unnamed American woman and All for One. All for One decided to bring her to Japan when she was six and that's where she's remained since then. She doesn't like Shigaraki, who is something like an adopted brother to her.

Quirk: Borrowing. It's like if All for One's Quirk and Neito Monoma's Quirk had a baby. She can borrow people's Quirk for however long she wants but they get to keep their Quirk. She has to touch the person to borrow their Quirk. She can also weld more then one Quirk at a time but chooses not to since it drains her quickly.

Age: 16
I placed another picture frame down on my desk, three of them now scattered on my desk along with a small laptop. I stepped back, looking at all three pictures with a smile. One of them was the one I took with Mr. Aizawa during my internship, one was when I straightened Izuku's hair, and the third was Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, and I after the Hosu Incident. The only three pictures that I have.

There was a knock on my door and I turned to open it. I raised my eyebrow at the group gathered outside my door, "What do you guys want?"

"To see your room!" Uraraka said excitedly, trying to peer over my shoulder into my room.

"Uh okay." I opened my door wider and stepped back, letting them see into it.

"It's so plain yet so cute at the same time." Uraraka said as she stared at my monochrome room.

"Um, thanks I guess." I rubbed the back of my head as Izuku looked at the pictures on my desk. His face went red as he looked at the one of the two of us.

I joined him at my desk as everyone left my room, "It's crazy huh? How much has happened since we've taken that picture."

"Y-yeah. Crazy." He said softly.
I stepped through Kurogiri's warp gate into the new hideout. "Where is he?" I asked.

Shigaraki walked into the room, spreading his hands out, "I'm here now what do you want?"

"I want you to tell all your thugs and villains to leave Eraserhead and Midoriya alone." I crossed my arms, staring up at the crusty old bastard.

"Eraserhead? Your teacher? Got the hots for him do you?" Dabi spoke up from the corner with a grin, "Kinda gross but whatever you're into."

"He's nice to me. The first hero that's ever been nice to me actually. He saved me once." I whirled back to Shigaraki, "Saved me from you actually. When your dumbass decided to attack the USJ with a bunch of useless thugs."

I saw Shigaraki smile from underneath one of his weird hands. "Too bad he stopped me."

I growled before stopping, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. "You... you actually wanted to kill me. And you would've if Mr. Aizawa hadn't stopped you."

"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner." Shigaraki approached me and I just now realized how much he's grown up since his first attack on UA. He was actually tactful.

"You never did care for me. Especially since I was All for One's actual child. You saw me as an obstacle. You want me dead." I backed up, my heart filling with fear. "Kurogiri, get me out of here."

"Of course."

I stepped backward, stumbling back into my dorm as Kurogiri's warp gate closed. I felt tears well up into my eyes and I stumbled out of my room, running down the hallway to Izuku's room.

I had barely knocked on his door before he opened it, his arms circling me, "Ophelia? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry Izuku, this is all my fault." I sobbed out. "I... I need to tell you everything."

Izuku sat me down on his bed before kneeling in front of me, "Tell me what?"

I looked into his clear green eyes that was filled with worry as I calmed down enough to tell him everything, everything from my birth to being accepted into UA as a spy for the League of Villains and how I helped with everything except the USJ Attack.

"I'm so sorry Izuku. I caused all of this and I understand that you hate me and I wish I could take it all back." His eyes didn't change, they didn't hold any hatred in them which made me feel even worse.

"Take me to Aizawa and Nezu." I whispered, "They need to know."

Izuku guided me to the teachers dorms and I requested that Principle Nezu be there too.

I looked at all the UA staff gathered in the teachers dorms and took a deep breath, "I'm the UA Traitor."

I broke down when I talked about the USJ Attack, sobbing as I explained that I didn't know about that attack and that I was terrified that Mr. Aizawa was going to die.

I looked at Izuku through tear filled eyes as the police escorted me out. "I'm so sorry Izuku."
I looked out at the room filled with people that I requested be there. I honestly didn't think they would show up, I gave them a choice but they showed up anyways.

I looked down at the paper in front of me, apologies I had written while in Tartarus. "I'm sorry." I looked up at the people gathered in front of me, people who's lives I had affected.

"I want to apologize to everyone here. I didn't expect any of you to show up when I asked you to be here." I looked at Bakugou who sat angrily in his chair, "I'm sorry Bakugou that I let the League of Villains kidnap you. I was the one who told them to kidnap you and gave them the location to our training camp. I know you'll never forgive me and I hope you never will but just know that I am sorry."

I looked to All Might who didn't look like All Might anymore. "I'm sorry All Might. My... my father was the one who destroyed your Quirk and caused you to retire due to my actions taken against UA and my classmates." I bowed my head, "I deeply apologize."

I looked to where the Wild, Wild Pussycats were, Ragdoll watching me with sharp eyes. "I'm sorry Ragdoll... I didn't know that they planned on taking you too and I didn't know my father was going to take your Quirk. I'm so sorry and I know I'll never be able to make it up to you."

My eyes landed on Mr. Aizawa who looked just as disappointed as he did when I first told them everything. "Mr. Aizawa," I choked up, tears welling up in my eyes and I tried to not let them fall. "You were more like a father to me then All for One ever was. You were the first hero who had ever shown me kindness after I believed that they were the scum of the earth. You showed me that there was good heroes out there and I'll forever be grateful to you. You saved me once when Shigaraki wanted to kill me and in return I betrayed you." I hung my head, "I'm sorry for everything the League has ever done to you."

I sniffled and reached up, my chained hands wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks. "Izuku... Midoriya, you were my first friend. And I... I really liked you and I let you get hurt and think that everything was your fault. I tried to keep you safe but everything seemed against me. I'm so sorry Izuku, so sorry." I let out a sob and I turned away from the podium, signaling I was done.

Guards joined my sides, ushering me out of the room and back to my cell in Tartarus. Today was my birthday and I'm glad they honored my wish to let me apologize to those I hurt most.

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