Sasori x Sakura| The Piano Player

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[Modern AU]

The pink haired girl walked down the hallway with her best friend as they tried to avoid the crowd. Sakura was gaining a slight headache as everyone seemed to talk all at once in raised voices and it didn't help that Ino was talking about her current crush, Sai.

They went down another hallway, dedicated to the arts and it was quieter here, much less people. Sakura sighed and rubbed her head just as she heard something that wasn't the shouts of students. It was a beautiful melody being played on a piano.

As they walked closer to the music room, the melody grew louder while also remaining soft. Ino continued talking about Sai, "And the way his hair falls into his eyes is sooooo hot."

Sakura paused at an open door, looking in to see a guy sitting at a piano, his pale fingers running over the keys without hesitation.

Sakura's lips parted in surprise as she watched him play with ease and Ino nudged her, "Are you actually checking out a guy?"

Sakura snapped out of her trance and shook her head, "No, he just plays so... beautifully." But she couldn't deny that he was also very attractive, with his perfect posture and pale skin that seemed almost like snow against his bright, red hair and the way he seemed so in tune with the piano, almost like it was a part of him.

"What about Sasuke?" Ino whispered, sounding scandalized.

"What about him?" Sakura couldn't take her eyes off this mysterious piano player.

"I thought you guys were..." Ino trailed off just as Sasuke approached them, slinging an arm around Sakura with Naruto following him.

"Hey Sakura." Sasuke said, his voice deep.

Sakura looked up at him, plastering a smile on her face, "Hey Sasuke."

Sasuke looked into the room where the redhead was still playing music, "What're you doing hanging around Sasori? Don't you know he's crazy?"

Sakura looked into the room again, watching the tranquility of it all, "He doesn't look crazy to me."

Sasuke gave a laugh before tugging her down the hall from 'Sasori', "Trust me, he's not someone you want to be around."

Sakura resisted rolling her eyes, oh that's rich coming from you Sasuke Uchiha.
Sakura wasn't exactly sure what her and Sasuke was. Sure, they went on 'dates' which in reality was hanging out at his house and him constantly touching her. It's not that she hated his touches but she just didn't feel anything, there was no spark, no emotion in them.

So she started ditching him, Naruto, and Ino in favor of walking down the art hallway and listening to the ever mysterious Sasori play music. Sometimes it was a slow tune, sometimes it was haunting, and sometimes he just pressed random keys on the days he looked troubled.

Sakura had always wanted to talk to him, compliment on his playing, ask if he's alright. But she never, always watching him from the hallway until someone came, then she would act as if she was just passing through. But secretly, that's what she enjoyed most during the day, getting to see and hear Sasori play.

Today Sasori was playing a slow, soft tune that could almost put you to sleep. Sakura watched from the doorway with rapt attention when a voice spoke, making her jump, "So do you always act like a stalker or is that just towards me?" It was a soft voice, barely heard over the music but it was almost as beautiful as his playing.

It took Sakura a minute before she realized it was Sasori speaking and she shyly crept from the doorway into the room, staying clear of being in Sasori's space, "I- I didn't mean to act creepy, I just really like hearing you play." She smiled a little even though Sasori couldn't see it, "It's beautiful."

There was a couple of minutes before Sasori spoke again, "Thank you."

He continued to play and Sakura stayed next to the wall, watching his back as his shoulder blades moved underneath his shirt as he played.

"Shouldn't you be with Sasuke?" Sasori asked.

Sakura frowned, "No... why?"

"Well you used to couldn't be seen without him. What happened?"

You. "It doesn't matter."

They lapsed into silence and the music took on a sadder edge until it grew softer and softer until Sasori's hands stilled above the keys. He lowered his hands to his sides, turning around and Sakura almost gasped at his golden eyes. His eyes scanned her from her bubblegum pink hair and mint green eyes down to the white sneakers she was wearing.

"Everyone thinks I'm a freak." He said it like a statement, like it was a irreversible fact.

"I don't think you're a freak." Sakura said, her cheeks warming underneath his gaze.

They stared at each other before Sasori got up, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Next time don't stand outside like a creep." And walked out.
Sakura hummed to herself one of the songs she's heard Sasori play as she made her way to the piano room where she knew Sasori would already be.

As she approached the room she frowned, there was no music. Was Sasori not here? Then she heard voices coming from the room, one familiar and one she had only heard yesterday.

"Stay away from her freak." Sasuke hissed out.

"She's the one that comes to me, not the other way around Uchiha." There was a pause before Sasori spoke again, "It seems like she prefers my company over yours anyways."

Sakura heard something hit against the wall and she rushed in to see Sasori on the floor with Sasuke over him, "Stop! Stop it!" Sakura said as she got in between Sasori and Sasuke.

Sasuke looked down at her with his usual blank face, "So you're going to protect the freak now."

"He's not a freak."

Sasuke laughed at that, "He plays with dolls Sakura. He talks to them like they were real. He's crazy. A real freak show. And his grandmother is the same way."

Sasori was a blur past Sakura, grabbing Sasuke and pushing him into the other wall, "Leave my grandmother out of it." He growled out.

"Get your hands off of me freak."

Sakura placed a hand on Sasori's arm, trying to defuse the situation, "Let him go Sasori. He's not worth it."

She felt Sasori's muscles tighten before he backed away, glaring at Sasuke.

"Leave Sasuke." Sakura said, keeping a hand on Sasori.

"So you've chosen the freak over me." He snorted, "You're going to regret that."

Sakura scrunched up her nose, "Just leave."

He gave her one last look before striding out of the room, leaving Sakura and Sasori alone. "I'm sorry Sasori." Sakura whispered as she stepped away from him.

He looked at her with his unusual eyes before speaking, "Uchiha's an asshole. He gets that from his dad."

Sakura nodded before gesturing to his head, "Are you alright?" She stepped closer, running her hand through his soft, red hair, "There's no blood, just a bump. Although you might should go see Tsunade in case you might have a concussion."

He shook his hand, placing his hand on top of Sakura's, removing it from his head, "I'm fine."

Sakura stared at their hands together before nodding, "Good."

Sasori let go of her hand, turning to go to the piano. Sakura continued to stare at her hand, feeling a bunch of emotions swirling around in her.

Sasori sat down, leaving enough room for someone else and patted the spot next to him, "Want to join?"

"I- I don't know how to play."

Sasori turned to her, a crooked smile on his face that made her heart go thump, "I'll teach you."

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