Mirio Togata| Baby*

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Anzu Sasaki: She is the niece of Mirai Sasaki, also known as Sir Nighteye. She works underneath him for work studies, hoping to be his sidekick when she graduates. She is also dating Mirio and her nickname is Lemon.

Quirk: Telepathy. She can communicate with people through thoughts and can also see what people are planning on doing through their thoughts. Her hero name is Mind.

Age: 18

Warning: like one cuss word and mentions of abortion.
"Mirio! Mirio!" I yelled, knowing he could hear me and I counted one, two, thr-

"You called?" Mirio stuck his face through my door.

I laughed, "You're late for movie night."

"I'm sorry Lemon. I had to help Tamaki with something." Mirio joined me on my bed, wrapping his arm around me. He smelt like lemons, grass, and sweat.

"It's fine. You could've invited him too ya know. And Nejire."

"I know." He nuzzled his face into the crook of my shoulder, "But I wanted it to be the two of us. We haven't really got to see each other much since work studies started. I just want to spend some time with my lemon."

I rolled my eyes, "We work at the same place Mirio, we see each other every day."

"Shhhhh, let me be loving."

I shook my head, "So weird."

"You love me."

"I do."
"Midoriya, my man!" I threw my arm around the green haired boy's shoulders. "Heard you're trying to get on with Sir Nighteye."

"Uh, ye-yeah."

I smiled, "I won't be going in this evening since it's my day off but Mirio will help ya. Don't overthink it. I'm sure Sir will love you."

"Thanks Sasaki." I could tell Midoriya was still nervous and I laughed as I slapped his back.

"You'll get it. I know Sir seems intimidating but he's actually a big softie. You'll be fine as long as you make him laugh." I gave Midoriya a salute, "I'll see ya later."
"How did it go?" I asked as I flopped onto Mirio's bed.

"It was touch and go there for a bit." Mirio said as he placed his warm hands on my back. I groaned as he started to massage my back.

"What do you mean?"

"He started off with an impression of All Might..."

"Oh no." I sat up, straddling Mirio's hips, "Please tell me he did something else."

"Well they quizzed each other over All Might and it seemed Midoriya passed that. I left them and when I came back, Midoriya was signing papers."

I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder, "Thank god. I was afraid Sir wouldn't sign him after all even though he said he was. You'll be showing him around right?"


"Good." I placed my lips against his neck, his skin warm underneath my lips. "You don't have anything planned tonight, right?"


I felt like throwing up. My stomach was in knots and I could feel bile rising up in my throat. I couldn't tell if it was because of the meeting I was in or if I was getting sick.

"Lemon, are you okay?" Mirio whispered to me, squeezing my hand underneath the table.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little sick." I tried to pay attention to what was happening. Mirio had filled me in on what happened on Midoriya's first day. My stomach lurched and I scrambled up, ignoring all the looks from the pro heroes as I practically ran out of the room.

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