Mezo Shoji| Someone Like Me

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Misato Amari: When people meet Misato, they all think the same thing "she's adorable." She's 5'0" and likes cute things like cats and stuffed animals. She tries to make others happy with cute things and most of the time it works (it even worked on Bakugou once.) Because of her fondness for cute things and herself being cute, most people liken her to a little kid until they see her use her quirk. After they see her use her quirk, sometimes they get scared of her. But she doesn't think too much of it.

Quirk: Witch. With the use of incantations, passed down through generations of the Amari family, she can use her quirk to make things happen, like healing or causing destruction. It's a very versatile quirk and she's in the process of trying to make new incantations herself.

Age: 15

The girl knocked on the wooden door in front of her, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she awaited an answer.

The door was opened by a tall, pale haired boy with multiple arms protruding from his sides. There was an air of mystery surrounding him as he looked down at the girl, everyone wondering what he was hiding underneath the mask he wears constantly.


The girl gave him a small, sheepish smile before opening up her arms, "I'm cold Shoji!"

Shoji blinked once before opening up his multiple arms, lifting his poncho up. The girl ran, jumping and wrapping her arms around his neck as his arms came around her, holding her up.

She snuggled into his chest, warmth radiating from him, "Mmm, warm."

Shoji backed into his room, careful to not jog the girl in his arms as he closed his door. The girl looked up at him owlishly as he sat down, removing his poncho he wore during the winter, "You give the best hugs Shoji."

He laughed a little, one of his tentacle arms forming into a mouth, "Thank you."

He leaned back against the wall, sitting on his blankets which he constitutes for a bed. The girl hummed contentedly as she listened to Shoji's heartbeat.

"You know, you should have at least one picture in here. It's so bare. I'll make everyone take a picture together one day so you can put it on your wall or something." She glanced around his bare, minimalist room.

"You don't need to do that."

The girl looked up at him to see his dark eyes already looking down at her, "Sure I do. It would be the nice thing to do."

"Thank you."

She smiled before leaning back against his chest, resting a hand on his stomach. His stomach was warm and muscular underneath her hand as it rose and fell in even breaths. She ran her fingers lightly over his shirt, tracing random shapes across his torso. His heart rate increased and she stopped.

"I'm sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?" She asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of Shoji's room.

The end of one of his arms came up, the end forming into a mouth, "No, why?"

"Your heart rate accelerated. I wanted to make sure you wasn't uncomfortable."

"No, it felt nice."

She hummed before continuing to trace shapes across his shirt, his heart beat lulling her to sleep.
"Shoji," the girl whined as she sat down next to the tall boy, "hug me, I'm cold."

One of the ends of his arms turned into a mouth and laughed. "Come here."

She climbed into his lap, his arms coming around her. She sighed softly as she laid against his chest, his warmth enveloping her.

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