707| Coffee Shop

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I yawned as I walked into the local caffeine stop with my roommate, both of us looking just as much as zombies as the rest of the people in here.

"I don't think we should've stayed up so late Rhianna. I can barely keep my eyes open." I said, leaning against her.

"We needed to finish the marathon K. There was no way I was going to sleep without knowing what happened." Rhianna said, pushing me off her.

"Nnngggh, why'd you do that?" My eyes started to slip close when I heard the dude behind me go "This is crazy!"

I glanced behind me to see a guy with bright red hair and glasses with what looked like gold eyes holding hands with a brunette. They both looked down at their intwined hands before looking at each other, "You're not my Yoosung."

The girl shook her head, "I'm not."

"I'm right here Seven." A blond kid with purple eyes spoke up behind the brunette.

"I feel the need to finish this experience out with you now." The redhead, Seven, said.

"I'm not paying." The brunette said and Seven quickly let go of her hand.

"Nevermind, I'll just go back to Yoosung."

"I'm not paying either. I can barely afford my own coffee Seven!" Yoosung said, his face one of concern.

I turned around, "You can hold my hand. I'll buy you any coffee you want."

Seven grinned and took my outstretched hand, looking at the brunette and Yoosung, "At least someone loves me." He turned his back on them, a tilt to his jaw.

I looked down at our conjoined hands, my skin tan compared to his and I felt how rough his hands were. I wonder what he did for a living.

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